Laurellen de Brandevin

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I began my SCA career in A.S. 23, while attending Montana State University, in Bozeman, MT, which was then the Shire of Silverkeep, in the newly made Principality of Artemisia. I served as the sixth Princess of Artemisia, A.S. XXVI (from July of 1991 to January of 1992). I was elevated into the Order of the Laurel by Brion and Anna, in May of A.S. XXVI (1991). When I graduated from MSU, in August of 1992, I moved to the Barony of Madrone and resided there for sixteen years. During that time, I served as Kingdom Costumers Guild Administrator, Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister, and as the 35th Queen of An Tir, from January A.S. XXXIII to July (1999).

In A.S. XLII (2007), I moved to the Mighty Barony of Dragon's Laire. I served, again, as Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister from A.S. XLII to XLIV, and then went on to serve as Baronial Arts & Sciences minister until I stepped up as the the fourth Baroness of Dragon's Laire, serving in this capacity with Arontius of Bygelswade, from January A.S. XLV to August, A.S.XLIX. During this time, I was elevated into the Order of the Pelican (A.S. XLVII) by Vik and Astrid. In March, A.S. XLIX, I became the Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion and served in this capacity until March of A.S. L.

I am currently again serving my beloved Barony as it's Arts & Sciences minister.

As a Laurel, I specialize in a number of areas - primarily, I am expert in clothing from the mid- to late Renaissance but have delved into several other periods. I'm currently working my way through the 14th century. Very early in my SCA life, I spent a lot of time playing period music on recorder and harp. I also do a lot of Bronze age and early Iron age jewelry/metal smithing as well as late period jewelry/metal smithing. I've also dabbled in calligraphy & illumination from the 14th through 16th centuries. I'm always interested in embroidery of whatever period. I've also done a fair bit of research and recreation on narrow ware (plain woven bands) from the 8th through the 16th centuries. Currently, my obsession is with all things oil painting from the High Renaissance through early Mannerism.

I've taught various classes, through the years - most notably a four-part two-hour set of classes on tailoring in the Renaissance, pattern drafting, Renaissance passemaine trims, Elizabethan buttons, Elizabethan/Cavalier shirts & smocks, rectangular construction techniques, a survey of late period tailors' pattern books, Elizabethan ruffs, Elizabethan foreparts construction and embellishment, late period gloves, basic body block patterning for any body and any time period, inkle weaving 101, an introduction to felting, Anglo-Saxon annular brooches, chivalry & etiquette (an Ithra core class), wool, linen, and silk applique, basic fourteenth century hoods, basic embroidery stitches, and Roman/early period bow brooches.