Johanna van der Velde

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Lady Johanna at September Coronet AS 45
Resides: Lions Gate
Date Started: March 2009/AS 43
Awards: [{{{oplink}}} Order of Precedence]

Vert, a saltire vair

SCA History

Johanna and her inspiration, Caemgen, at June Coronet AS 46/2011

Johanna's first home in the Knowne World was the Barony of Seagirt. It was there shedeveloped an appreciation for the lively practices of the wordsmith and the songsmith and devotes most of her studies to these two practices, while also learning the womanly art of brewing. She performed her first song at the Yeoman trial of Rashid al-Qasim.

One day, Johanna felt it was not enough to merely sing the songs of battle and victory; so she strapped on a suit of armour and went looking for some of her own! She took to the list field, intially entering as 'Nemo' until she had decided on a name.

In A.S. 45, at Tir Righ's September Coronet Tourney, Prince Alden and Princess Katherine saw fit to award her Arms. In consultation with Maister Iago, she has come up with something both very Flemmish and very period.

Shortly after settling in her new home of Lions Gate, she entered herself Defender's Tournament in AS 46. After taming the crowds, a Seneschal, and a limerick battle, she emerged as Lions Gate's Bardic Defender.

Her current enthusiasms (of which there are many) are brewing, heavy combat, 15th century costume and armour, and bardic.

She is goaded, taunted, and inspired by her good friend Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais.


Currently Living in the Barony of Lions Gate, but has been known to wander back to Seagirt to drink and laugh with her friends there.


Coat of Arms

A work in progress, but with high hopes that it will soon be flying all over An Tir. Vert, a saltire vair.

Persona History


Stories of Johanna's sassiness precede her

A a tankard welded to a gauntlet amongst many a raised glass, a leaping embrace to the confusion of onlookers, a warm summer night with her voice singing out a song of revenge and whales... I have many memories of Johanna. And I would have a great deal more if it weren't for the rum. She's one of my oldest friends, one who I am most proud of.

- Rashid al-Qasim