House Amberwood

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Head of House

30px Lady Aislynn of Amberwood


House Amberwood was established in Caid by Lady Aislynn of Amberwood in the year A.S. XVI when she first joined the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA), as a part of the incipient Shire of Darkwell in the Kingdom of Caid. The Household Badge was registered in July 1984.

Lord Alaric_Wulfgar of Amberwood, who previously resided within the West Kingdom Shire of Perilous Visions, and then sojourned in Ansteorra and later still in the East Kingdom's Barony of Drachenwald; moved to the future Shire of Darkwell after a brief stay in Atenveldt upon returning from military service at the beginning of A.S. XV.

Aislynn met Alaric in the autumn of A.S. XVI (1981 c.e.) through mutual friends who were working to establish a local SCA branch; they were wed in December, A.S. XVI. They remained active in the Shire of Darkwell, along with their children, until leaving Caid for the wilds of An Tir in A.S. XXII, first landing in Dragon's Laire and shortly thereafter, relocating to the Barony of Madrone.

For many reasons, participation within the Society ended following this move; however, in September A.S. XL, the Household rejoined the Society, with the intent of becoming active in the Canton of Porte de L'Eau, Barony of Madrone, Kingdom of An Tir.

Notable Residents

Aislynn of Amberwood
Highest Award AoA (Caid)
Alaric Wulfgar of Amberwood
Highest Award Dolphin (Caid) (Now an alternate persona)
Renée du bois d'Ambré
former Boar Pursuivant for An Tir
Highest Award Dolphin (Caid)

Others in the Household

Maire of Amberwood
Elspeth of Amberwood
Gana of Amberwood
Maeve Moorland
Highest Award: AoA (Caid)

Related Events

Feast of the Big Cats of the Serengeti, held annually on May 1


May Day (May 1) - As many of the household as can, gather together at Lake Union for the Dancing up the Sun on May Day; this is followed by the Feast of the Big Cats of the Serengeti with chosen friends and families.

External Links