Dragon's Den Farm

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On a hill overlooking both Hillsboro and Yamhill, OR
Macha the Determined
Higher elevation makes days more extreme; sunburn is more prevalent
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From Beaverton/Hillsboro:

If necessary, take Scholl's Ferry Rd. or Farmington Rd. to Hillsboro Hwy. and turn left. Go south on Hillsboro Highway for about 4 miles until it dead-ends into a T junction. Turn right to remain on the highway. It twists and turns for about 5-6 more miles. Look out on your right for a gravel road labeled as Mountain Top Road. Turn onto Mtn. Top and go about 2-3 miles up until you see SCA signs.

From Newberg: (This humble wikian doesn't know. Please assist in filling out these directions. --José Cabrera de Castilla 18:19, 13 Sep 2009 (PDT))