Battle of Hastings II

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I recall, while still a lad in school (Sophomore year), that my next older brother had a assistant history teacher, who knew of a "fun re-enactment" of the Battle of Hastings that was coming up. I went with my brother, as I already liked thing medieval, and it sounded interesting. This was my first ever SCA event - in A.S. XV (Oct 11, 1980), and as it was a combo Markland/SCA event, and a re-creation to boot, it was a little different than what was probably typical. This was put on by the College of St. Bunstable, and happened near the shell house, possibly by the athletic fields.

I recall the An Tir Navy sailed up and landed troops. Some historical speeches were given by the leaders of each side, and a little narration was also provided. As it was being re-enacted with boffer style weapons, and bystanders were being recruited, I recall participating in the battle - and being one of the last to die in my area, overwhelmed by a tide of fighters. Never mind that I knew little enough about whatever rules were in play, but at least I knew to fall down at that point.

It was great fun, but I was still a little young to be able to get to events or meetings, and had other distractions in life, so I didn't follow up on the group for a few decades. --Michelino di Gino Martini 03:34, 11 August 2015 (UTC)