Morgan Woodsende of Hoghton

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Morgan Woodsende of Hoghton
Resides: Shire of Mountain Edge, Principality of The Summits
Date Started: 1984
Awards: Order of Precedence
Offices: Chatelaine (Shire of Mountain Edge), Social Media Officer (Principality of the Summits)

Per bend sinister sable and Or, a tower and a serpent nowed counterchanged.


Morgan is an active member of the Shire of Mountain Edge and proud member of the Principality of the Summits.


  • Service-Event Management & Coordination
  • Live Streaming & Accessibility
  • Youth Activities
  • Social Media & Chatelaine
  • Scribal & Illumination
  • Rapier Combat
  • Arts & Sciences - Puppetry
  • Bardic Arts - Puppetry
  • Archery


Protégé to Dame Hadley of Beckenham, Middle Kingdom.

Ally of the Iron Ring Household, Ally of the Duchy Blackhart Household, member of the Beckenham Household.

Offices & Positions

  • Social Media Officer, Principality of the Summits - 04/24 to Current

I assist in managing content across all Social Media platforms for the Principality.

  • Chatelaine, Mountain Edge - 11/23 to Current

I work to welcome newcomers to the Shire and the SCA, as well as arranging Demos.

  • Largesse Co-Coordinator, Royal Retinue, Finn & Eduardo, Summits - An Tir- 11/23 to Current

I help coordinate their Highness’ largesse both incoming and outgoing with my co-coordinator, cataloging and organizing so they may gift it to their populace.

  • Livestream Team, Summits, An Tir - 9/23 to Current

I work at both Summits & Kingdom events to stream court & other important event activities for those who cannot be in attendance. This consists often of providing and operating cameras and tripod equipment on site, as well as running communications for the team coordinating.

  • Property Master (Deputy Exchequer)& Social Media Officer, Barony of Sternfeld, Middle Kingdom - 2019 to 2021

I served my Barony by organizing and cataloging the contents of Baronial storage, including arranging repairs, replacements, and efforts to update equipment to suit our event needs. I also coordinated delivery and pickup of items from the Baronial trailer and to/from events we ran or when we loaned items to another group for events. I also managed the Baronial social media accounts and content.

  • Earl Marshal, Dragon’s Mist- 2010 to 2012

As our Branch Marshal, I organized and arranged a location for Heavy Armored Combat Practices, and personally oversaw safety and combat activities at all practices. I was Marshal in Charge for our Defender’s tournament both years I served, as well as our demo at Faire in the Grove.


  • The Grand Thing V 2008 – Assistant Marshal
  • The Barony of Stromgarde Yule Feast 2009 – Assistant Marshal
  • West/An-Tir War 2010 – Assistant Marshal
  • Faire in the Grove 2010 – Marshal in Charge
  • Dragon’s Mist Defender Tournament 2010 – Marshal in Charge, Web Minister
  • Boar’s Head Hunt & Feast & Dragon’s Mist Baronial Elevation 2011 – Event Steward
  • Boar’s Head Hunt & Feast 2012 – Event Steward
  • (Midrealm) Barony of Sternfeld Yule 2019 – Event Steward
  • (Midrealm) Fall Crown Tournament 2021 - Event Steward
  • (Midrealm) Barony of Sternfeld Yule 2021 – Event Steward
  • (Midrealm) Better War Through Archery 2021 – Gate Captain
  • Acorn War XXX – Deputy Event Steward 2023
  • Mountain Edge Defenders 2024 - Gate Captain
  • Acorn War XXXI 2024 - Event Steward


Society member since 1984.

Granddaughter of Duke William of Hoghton and Duchess Donna of Rollingwood, as well as Viscountess Dame Maythen of Elfhaven (aka Maythen Gervaise), West Kingdom.

Niece of Duke Christopher of Hoghton and Esmirelda Dancingstar, Outlands Kingdom.

Daughter of Viscount Sir Robert of Woodsende and Lady Dovina Serpentsheart, as well as Viscountess Yseult of Summerhall, West Kingdom.

Active as a minor in the West Kingdom, Principality of the Mists as a Server Coordinator for all Principality feasts, Gate worker, Lists Page, Water Bearer, Children's activities director, and apprentice scribe through 2002.