Embellishers' Guild of An Tir

From An Tir Culture Wiki
Revision as of 19:50, 24 May 2020 by Halima (talk | contribs)
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We are the Embellishers of An Tir. Amongst other things we do embroidery, needlework, painting, leather decoration, wood carving, burning and painting, bone carving and more. Any citizen of An Tir can join our Guild, and any member of the Guild can challenge the Guild Ranks.

For more information on the Guild, you can visit us on the web: http://antirembellishers.org/ or in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160308191124234/?ref=bookmarks

For further information, you can contact: HL Giana Visconti kimswitzerpdx [at] gmail [.] com

Updates on the Embellishers Guild of An Tir begin May 2020.