Evan Graham of Montrose

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aka Evan ap Edmwnt o Coedwig


Award of Arms - 22 Jun AS 15/1980

Goutte de Sang - 15 May AS 17/1982

Forget-me-not - 14 Jan AS 18/1984

Green Leaf - 13 Apr AS 19/1985

Pelican - 11 Jan AS 20/1986

Forget-me-not - 12 Jul AS 21/1986

Red Branch - 19 Jul AS 21/1986

died: September 18, 1996

Personal Memories and Tributes

Brian McKay, Major, Sable Scallops of Montrose, Second Regiment tells us:

"He was a Pelican and at one time or another active in the McFlandry's Guard; Graham's Grays of Montrose; and the Sable Scallops of Montrose, Second Regiment. He started out in Madrone; went to the Dragon's Laire where he was elected Seneschal but not allowed to serve because of a mistake back at corporate; went to Blatha-an-Oir and served as the Baroness' guard and Royal Guard to Their Majesties Barak and Lao; and finally to Dragon's Laire where he disolved Graham's Gray's and formed the Sable Scallops of Montrose, Second Regiment. The unit was not actually named until after his death when it was named for him.

As a member of the MacFlandry Guard, he was involved with the ceremonial guard of Queen Elizabeth II when she visited Seattle. He also was involved in the St. Patrick's Day Parade and the raising of the Irish flag in Seattle each year until Mayor Rice refused to allow the carrying of the Brown Bess muskets or their firing as a salute as the flag was raised.

He died on September 18, 1996."

The "Colonel" as he was called, organized the MacFlandry Guard. The MacFlandry Guard was, for many, many years, the mainstay of An Tir's Royal Guards. It was also the way many a "newbie" was mainstreamed into An Tir.

For his various efforts he was recognized as a member of the Order of the Pelican.

He wrote The Lay of Llewellyn.

Evan has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.