I am Arion, called the Wanderer, a 4th century BC anachronism in the SCA culture. I was born to a Greek mother and Celt father in the Greek trading colony of Olbia in the Scythian lands north of the Euxine Sea (Black Sea). My father traded gold and silver torcs between his homeland of Alesia in Gaul, along the Danube River, all the way to Scythia. When I reached an age where my father thought me useful, he took me along and taught me his trade. After he died, I expanded my horizons and traveled as far south as Rome. This was a most profitable trip. When I was trading with the Sonones in the Po river valley, Roman "ambasadors" killed a Senone chieftian. As a matter of honor, the Senone tribesmen lead by Brennus, traveled to Rome and sacked the city. It fell except for the fortified Capitoline Hill. After seven months of raids in the country side and multiple failed attempts to capture the Capitoline Hill brought us to an impass, the Romans agreed to give us 1,000 lbs of gold to leave.
The SCA has given me the opportunity to explore my artistic nature, that usually lay smouldering in my day job. Now that I am retired from all public life, I happily spend my days exploring all of my artistic passions! I enjoy metal working (including repousse' and coin die engraving), leather working, and wood working (including wood carving, and bow/arrow construction). I also like to kill people with arrows on the war field and poke holes in archery and thrown weapons targets.