Cesare the Merchant

- First known as Vandoral the Merchant; He used that name for several of his earliest years in the SCA finally abandoning it after learning it was not registerable with the College of Arms.
- Along with his Lady Wife, Mistress Astrid of Flanders, he shares the esteem of but a handful of people that can claim to be the longest continually present and participating residents of the Barony of Terra Pomaria. Cesare joined Terra Pomaria's populace in December 1983 a month after the branch's organizational meeting the November prior.
- He is the founding Baron of Terra Pomaria, serving from May 16 AS XXVII/1992 through Sept 2 AS XXXV/2000.
- Elevated to the Order of the Pelican Feb 27 AS XXXIII/1999.
- Elevated to Court Baron Sep 2 ASXXXV/2000.