Cesare the Merchant
- First known is the SCA as Vandoral the Merchant; He used it for several of his earliest years within the SCA. He abandoned it after learning it was not registerable.
- Along with his Lady Wife, Mistress Astrid of Flanders, he shares the sole claim of being the longest continually present and participating resident of the Barony of Terra Pomaria joining her ranks in early 1983 soon after the branch's organizational meeting in November 1982.
- He is the founding Baron of Terra Pomaria, serving from May 16 AS XXVII/1992 through Sept 2 AS XXXV/2000.
- Elevated to the Order of the Pelican Feb 27 AS XXXIII/1999.
- Elevated to Court Baron Sep 2 ASXXXV/2000.
Lived in