Elfreda Drommfjell

From An Tir Culture Wiki
Revision as of 20:32, 11 September 2011 by Elfreda (talk | contribs) (updates awards, tweaking, etc. (Magni is no longer a teenager.))
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Elfreda atte Kingeswode started life as Lorelei, in the Barony of Adiantum in the fall of 1982, not knowing it was AS 17, nor that An Tir had been a kingdom just since January of that year. Her first event was a Newcomers' Quest and Feast, perhaps held at Hendricks Park. Midwinter's Feast followed, then her first outdoor event, Egil's, (the last one at Bellfountain Park) and Kriegstreiber shortly thereafter. Ulfred and Adara were King and Queen at those events.

She moved to the Barony of Three Mountains two years later and married Jarl Ulfred in 1986. Their son, Lord Magni Ulfredsson was born into the SCA in August of 1988, his first event almost being Ducal War at Deer Creek Park, instead, it was September Crown about a month later.

Their early years involved much travelling. Ulfred was one of the founding officers of An Tir's Varangian Guard, started by Stormcrow as an adjunct to the An Tir Navy. For many years, the family were part of the VG, until Ulfred reluctantly decided it was time to stay at home more to work with and train his squires, and so they founded the loose household of Ulfredsheim and have found much reward there.

Elfreda was the Baronial Chronicler for the Barony of Three Mountains, for several years and produced the monthly online newsletter, The Plume.

In keeping with her qualifications as a Dinosaur she has committed to adding to the An Tir Culturewiki. Primarily that involves badgering Ulfred and other long-time friends. Still, it's worth it, since the Society is now nearly 50 years old and we may start losing our own history along with our older (or not-so-old) members. While it's sometimes difficult to say "This is what happened", we need to start somewhere. If you read the West Kingdom History Pages Annotations, you'll see old friends correcting each other about details, and we can trust each other to do the same. In addition, just think how much easier it would be to write down your memories of an event while it's fresh, instead of 25 years later!

(When editing Wiki pages, she frequently uses these pages: help page, and Creating New Pages).

Elfreda's interests include loom weaving, tablet weaving, spinning and dyeing, knitting, calligraphy and illumination, SCA history, and the incredible collection of good friends she's had the opportunity to meet in the SCA. She has every intention of researching an appropriate device this year! Or soon, anyway.