Summits Summer Investiture XLI/2006

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The Investiture of Torkill and Sylva, succeeding Beringar and Matilde.

16-18 June AS XLI/2006
Shire of Dun an Chalaidh (Lincoln Co, OR)
Event Steward
Mealla an Duna
Rose Lodge, Otis, OR 97368
Never Won a Tourney Tourney
Defender Tournament
Final Court of Beringar and Matilde
Investiture of Tjorkill and Sylva
First Court of Tjorkill and Sylva
Meet and Great Tea

Event Highlights

Investiture Ceremony

Awards Presented

In Kingdom Court, presented by His Royal Majesty, King Sven

Jessica Taylor - Lions Cub Awards:Lions Cub - Corvaria
Thomas Sinclair - Goutte de Sang Awards:Order of the Goutte de Sang - Dragon's Mist
Grimarr Orvond - Jambe de Lion Awards:Order of the Jambe de Lion - Three Mountains
Maccus the Wanderer - Jambe de Lion Awards:Order of the Jambe de Lion - Terra Pomeria
Macha the Determined - Goutte de Sang Awards:Order of the Goutte de Sang - Mountain's Edge

Related Articles

Sven and Signy
Amalric and Caia
Beringar and Mathilda
Tjorkill and Sylva


Summits Summer Investiture 2006 by Khalja

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Summits Summer Investiture was held at a beautiful site in the Shire of Dun an Chalaidh. The weather was typical for An Tir being unable to make up it's mind between hot and muggy, and overcast and cool. The event was well attended, and was especially graced by Royalty, playing host to King Sven, as well as the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, Amalric and Caia, the Kheron, Prince of Tir Righ. --~Khalja