Long and Short of It XL/2005
Long and Short of It Tournament Home Page
- Date
- 8-10 July XL/2005
- Branch
- Barony of Terra Pomaria (Marion & Polk Counties, Oregon)
- Autocrat
- Co-Autocrat
- Site
- Lebanon Community Park at Cheadle Lake - US Hwy 20 & Weirich Dr, Lebanon, OR 97355
- Weather
- Activities
- Baronial Archery Championship Tournament to determine an new Archery Champion
- Baronial Armored Combat Defender Tournament to determine a new Defender
Event Highlights
- This is the 1st L & S to be held on non-Terra Pomaria soil (The site was in the Canton of Nordholt).

Personal Memories
(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash (-) x 2 plus tilde (~) x3 all run together. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)