Gilbert O'Gormley

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Revision as of 11:50, 10 April 2008 by Hjlmr inn Danski (talk | contribs) (added links)
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It is with heavy heart and swollen eyes that I must relate to you the passing of yet two more of the populace of An Tir. His Lordship William of Blakeney, known and loved by many, passed from this Kingdom to the next on Monday. Gilbert O'Gormley, whom many will fondly remember as the person who chose to start Archery Fest here in Vulcanfeldt, passed last night. There are many of us who began archery under his tutelage, and even though he has not been seen for a while, will miss him deeply. I'm sure that the two events here in the Inlands Region this weekend will offer many chances to reminisce about these two lovely gentlemen, and to offer a toast that they may, indeed, requisat in pacem. In Service, Fiona ni Chonchuir Barony of Vulcanfeldt