Devon McAyre

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This gentle's name has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.

I first met Devon at a Madrone Sgts fight practice. I was Sgt captain at the time and was helping some new fighters get their fighting legs when this tall, slender man walked onto the field. Soft hazel eyes, fine dark brown hair and chiseled features with a meticulously trimmed beard and moustache caught my attention at once. His voice was soft, his attitude inquisitive but attentive. He wanted to know all about fighting and he wanted me to teach him. I found myself enjoying his company immensely and our friendship grew. He decided that I needed looking after (the man I was with was more interested in other women) and became my virtual shadow at events. Dinners appeared, cooked and delicious. My bed was turned down, my armor stacked and cleaned, my dishes cleaned and dried, but most of all my soul finally had a place to rest without fear. He became my man-at-arms and one of my best friends. He was always there for me. He was a good man. He is missed.

Thithaskalia Siobhan Iyatrosakis Order of the Laurel