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Argent, a lion sejant erect grasping a spear and on a chief gules two laurel wreaths argent.

The College of Lyonsmarche is based upon the quad-college-cities of Pullman and Clarkston, Washington and Moscow and Lewiston, Idaho.


Seneschal: HL Phelan Tolusmiðr [1]
Chatelaine: Lady Tova Fransdottir [2]
Chronicler: Position Open [3]
Exchequer:HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte [4]
Herald: Lady Amalthea di Sforza [5]
Master of Stables: Lord Killianflynn MacThoy [6]
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Lady Amalthea di Sforza [7]

Meetings and Practices

Council Meeting
The College of Lyonsmarche Council Meeting is held the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm, with rotating locations. Please contact the Seneschal for meeting location.

A&S and Fighter Practice
The College of Lyonsmarche A&S and Fighter Practices. During the cold winter months we typically are having every Sunday Afternoons--12:00--3:00-- in the multipurpose room of the Memorial Gym on the Univerisity Of Idaho Campus-- and if you're not a fighter, bring your A&S projects to work on with us! Please contact the Arts & Sciences Minister or Master of Stables for more information. During the warmer seasons we will be holding practices outdoors.

NEXT Council Meeting & Fighter Practice will be Wednesday Sept. 15th, 2010 at East City Park in Moscow ID from 5pm to Dark.

Upcoming Events!

Fall Lyonsmarche Newcomers Feast and Champion Tourney - Saturday, Sept 25th - Pullman WA
Baron Dyon's Tournament(Wastekeep)Oct 1-3
Gilbert O'Gormley Memorial Archery Fest (Vulcanfeldt) Oct. 8-10
Toy's for Tots (Wealdsmere) Sat, Oct 16
Harvest Celebration VIIII (Ambergard) Sat, Oct 23
As You Like It (Akornebir) Sat, Oct 30
Champions Tournament and Yule feast (Vulcanfeldt) Dec. 4th

Traditional Events

Honor War
Fall Feast & Newcomers' Revel

Honor War is held in April, while Fall Feast & Newcomers' Revel is held in September.


Lyonsmarche Archery Champion - Lady Amalthea di Sforza
Lyonsmarche Armored Champion - Baron Lars Ragnarsson, Squire to Duke Sir Gunnarr Brunwulf and Sergeant of Wealdsmere
Lyonsmarche Arts and Sciences Champion - Baron Sir Styrkaar Jarlskald
Lyonsmarche Bardic Champion - Tighearn Killianflynn MacThoy
Lyonsmarche Brewing Champion - Lady Tova Fransdottir
Lyonsmarche Culinary Champion - Lady Amalthea di Sforza
Lyonsmarche Rapier Champion - Baron Sir Styrkaar Jarlskald


Lyonsmarche yahoogroups to join our email list.
Lyonsmarche Facebook Group
Lyonsmarche Council minutes
Lyonsmarche Order of Precedence
Lyonsmarche website


Lady Æsa Alfvinsdóttir [8]
milord Álvar Guerrero [9]
Lady Amalthea di Sforza
milady Arya
milord Blywulf
Lady Carthann Bean Eachann [10]
milady Casse Tempeste [11]
HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte [12]
Lord Eachann na Beinne Leithe
milord Edouard d'Angers
Lady Freya Goblin Morgaina's Daughter [13]
milady Graniah
milady Gwendolin
HL Hallgrim Vendelson
milord István Győri [14]
milady Kawa
milord Kazuyama no Ichiro Kiyomoto
Lord Killianflynn MacThoy [15]
milady Liadan the Sincere [16]
milady Maria Zenobia MacThoy (Xandra Mariasdatter and Dominic Flynnson)
milord Mattias von Haug
milady Moira
Mistress Morgaina atte Wodelonde [17]
HL Phelan Tolusmiðr [18]
milord Rashid
milord Skaalgrimmr
milady Sunee
Lady Tawny Buckley [19]
milady Tokiyo
Lady Tova Fransdottir [20]
milord Yamayasu no Shiro Sadasuke