An Tir Lampworkers Guild

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We love to play with fire... and make beautiful things!

Guild's Purpose
To support each other in learning the skills, researching the history of and creating glass beads with a focus on period beads from the fall of the Roman Empire to the mid- seventeenth century.

Our Mission
To bring the beauty and history of lampwork to the SCA.

(Some) Members of the An Tir Lampworkers Guild

Adwen Wrenn
Alessandra da Montefeltro
Eony of Mountainedge
Epona Ehwaz
Khulan Shizir
Marianella di Ravenna
Meghan Oakendottir
Murakami Tsuruko
Phelan Tolusmiðr
Renart the Fox of Berwick


An Tir Lampworkers Guild yahoogroups
SCA Beadmaker yahoogroups
Roman Glassmakers