House Daos

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Revision as of 22:20, 15 April 2008 by Hjlmr inn Danski (talk | contribs) (added links)
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Welcome Pilgrim

House Daos was founded in 1993 by Uthyr the Unorthodox and a group of his followers. The majority of House members live in the Barony of Three Mountains (Portland, Or). Our persona is that of a group of missionaries following medieval trade routes, preaching and converting along the way although house members are not expected to adhere to this persona. Many are active in the SCA and our members include heavy fighters, fencers, performers and artist. Our house colors are black, purple and silver. As of 2008 there are about 25 active members.

House Daos is also kown as The Church of Daos. Daoish is the official religion of Daos although it’s actually just a parody of religion for entertainment purposes only. No one and nothing is worshiped and we neither discourage or promote religion.

The purpose of the Daos Inquisition is to spread the light of Daos and convert the unwashed masses to Daoish. To this end, many Daos have alternate “Cardinal” personae to perform religious duties. Again, this is purely for entertainment purposes only.

House Daos Web Page

House Daos wiki