The College of Lyonsmarche is based upon the quad-college-cities of Pullman and Clarkston, Washington and Moscow and Lewiston, Idaho.
- Seneschal: HL Phelan Tolusmiðr - email
- Chatelaine: Lady Tova Fransdottir - email
- Chronicler: Lady Carthann Bean Eachann - email
- Exchequer:HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte - email
- Herald: Position Vacant - email
- Master of Stables: Lord Killianflynn MacThoy - email
- Minister of Arts and Sciences: Lady Carthann Bean Eachann - email
Meetings and Practices
- Council Meeting
- The College of Lyonsmarche Council Meeting is held the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm, with rotating locations. Please contact the Seneschal for meeting location.
- A&S and Fighter Practice
- The College of Lyonsmarche A&S and Fighter Practices are currently being held the last Sunday of the month from Noon to 3pm at the University of Idaho Memorial Gymnasium. Please contact the Arts & Sciences Minister or Master of Stables for more information.
- Our next Lyonsmarche Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th from 7-8:30pm at Zoe's Underground Coffee House in Pullman WA.
Our last Moscow Fighters Practice / A&S
- Date: Sunday March 29, 2009
- Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Location: Memorial Gym, U of I campus, Moscow ID
- Date: Sunday March 29, 2009
- Parking Lot 39 is for the Memorial Gym, Swim Center, & Phys Ed buildings. It is just off of the curved road that goes past the east side of the Kibbie dome. Watch the signs in this parking lot since some spaces are reserved for deliveries, but campus parking said that most spaces are free on a Sunday. We will be on the 1st floor Multi-purpose room downstairs of the gym from 12:00 to 3:00. Use the entrance on the left side of the Memorial Gym building.
- Please RSVP to the list if you are thinking about attending so that enough armor can be brought for a practice.
- Mistress Morgaina will be bringing bowls to paint for the charity Empty Bowls. She will be teaching us the painting technique called [Maiolica] .
Upcoming Events!
Traditional Events
- Honor War (Archive of past Honor Wars)
- Lyonsmarche Archery Champion - none at present
- Lyonsmarche Armored Champion - Sir Devon Wolflin
- Lyonsmarche Arts and Sciences Champion - Caiaphas, Durant Ramberti
- Lyonsmarche Bardic Champion - none at present
- Lyonsmarche Brewing Champion - Caiaphas, Durant Ramberti
- Lyonsmarche Culinary Champion - none at present
- Lyonsmarche Rapier Champion - Tighearn (Lord) Killianflynn MacThoy
- Lyonsmarche website
- Lyonsmarche Council minutes
- Lyonsmarche Order of Precedence
- Lyonsmarche yahoogroups
- Lady Æsa Alfvinsdóttir [1]
- milady Amalthea
- Lady Carthann Bean Eachann [2]
- milady Casse Tempeste [3]
- HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte [4]
- Lord Eachann na Beinne Leithe
- Lady Freya Goblin Morgaina's Daughter [5]
- HL Hallgrim Vendelson
- Lord Killianflynn MacThoy [6]
- Mistress Morgaina of the Woodlands [7]
- HL Phelan Tolusmiðr [8]
- Lady Tawny Buckley [9]
- Lady Tova Fransdottir [10]