Order of the White Scroll

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February 20th AS XXVII / 1993 The Festival of the Melting Icicles held at Salem Heights Hall in the Barony of Terra Pomaria, An Tir. The first two simultaneous inductees into the Order of the White Scroll of Terra Pomaria, Lionel the Woodworker of Antwerp and his lady wife Judith de Bruges by founding Baron and Baroness of Terra Pomaria, Cesare the Merchant and Astrid of Flanders. First baronial herald, the Hazel Leaf Pursuivant Friedhelm der Luchs presiding over court. Photo from Terra Pomaria Grete Boke.

An award from the Barony of Terra Pomaria. Membership in this order is accorded by the Baron and Baroness based on recommendation and in consultation with the current members of the order, for consistent and extraordinary service to the Barony, above and beyond the call of sanity. Membership in the order is recognized in the form of a scroll and may only be received once.
