Sancia Lafond Freyser de Cameron of Ben Liath
Sancia served as the second Baroness of Glymm Mere from 4 February AS XXIX/1995 through 2 May AS XXXIII/1998.
Awards and Honors
- Award of Arms Sept 9 AS 24 /1989
- Golden Blossom (Blatha An Oir) Dec 21 AS 26 /1991
- Goutte de Sang June 6 AS 27 /1992
- Crystal of Glymm Mere (Glymm Mere) Feb 20 AS 27 /1993
- Red Hart (Glymm Mere) Feb 20 AS 27 /1993
- Briar (Blatha An Oir) Mar 19 AS 28 /1994
- Baroness (Glymm Mere) Feb 4 AS 29 /1995 through May 2 AS 33 /1998
- Order of the Oleander (Atenveldt) Feb AS 29 /1995
- Jambe de Lion Aug 20 AS 30 /1995
- Court Baroness May 2 AS 33 /1998
Baroness' Silver Groat
Privately commissioned to Ian Cnulle, AnTir's Moneyers Guild. Given as a token of favor from Sancia while Baroness of Glymm Mere.
Clan Cameron of Ben Liath
- Sancia was Chief's Lady of Clan Cameron of Ben Liath prior to moving to the Kingdom of Artemesia and then on to Kingdom of the East where she presently resides in the northern woods.