The College of Lyonsmarche is based upon the quad-college-cities of Pullman and Clarkston, Washington and Moscow and Lewiston, Idaho.
- SENESCHAL: HL Phelan Tolusmiðr
- CHATELAINE: Lady Tova Fransdottir
- EXCHEQUER:HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte
- HERALD: milady Tawny Buckley
- MASTER OF STABLES: milord Killianflynn MacThoy
- MINISTER OF ARTS & SCIENCES: milady Tawny Buckley
Lyonsmarche Archery Champion -
Lyonsmarche Armored Champion -
Lyonsmarche Arts and Sciences Champion - HL Phelan Tolusmiðr
Lyonsmarche Bardic Champion -
Lyonsmarche Brewing Champion -
Lyonsmarche Rapier Champion -