Borderlands Campus
The Borderlands Campus is administered by Chancellor of Ithra, HL Helene de Navarre. Like all University of Ithra campuses, Borderlands provides a place for those interested in Medieval Arts & Sciences to explore and further their learning. The Borderlands is the area south of the US/Canadian boundary, which is also the home of the Shire of Shittimwoode in the Principality of Tir Righ, in the Kingdom of An Tir.
Chancellor & Registrar: HL Helene de Navarre (Karen Ostheller), 4503 114th Pl SE, Everett, WA 98208; 360-676-5214 or 425-367-4529; Bursar: Donna Carley, PO Box , Bellingham, WA 360-325-0122;