Thórbjórn Bjórnsson

I had joined the SCA when Ravensley was just starting to orginize into a group. I had a co-worker who introduced to the SCA and we spend two days a week travelling the Island to different Armorers homes. We would travel to Deep bay to Augen's to work on our helms, and then to Ulric's in Coombs to work on other armoring projects. I had left the SCA shortly after due to my commitments as a Army Officer.
About 10 years had passes and I had returned with a young family kicking and screaming :-P
As soon as I came back I started to complete my armor I had started many years before. HL Reynolds Helped me get this going, with hopes to compete in Daffodil. I unfortunantly didn't get autherized in time, but found myself fighting at Sealion War in Seagirt soon after. What great fun to have. Reynolds and I left the families behind and had a great time. This was my first fighting event and I died on every battle but one. The one battle I survived was also my only kill. It was the first forest battle of the event, and when we broke their lines I got a great head shot in. But then in the confusion at the end of the battle, even after yelling our code word as I saw it coming, one of our own (Seagirt side) Polearmers killed me. So I guess really I didn't survive that round, even though he "took back his shot" at me.
The Fighting bug is in me, I now find myself Making armor with newbies, and running Fight Practices. At the last Daffodil My wife and I bought our first Bows. Now we have the Archery bug too now. I find myself making arrows now for people in the shire, and have now progressed into Thrown Axes. You can now come to our house every Sunday for Armoring, Fighters, Axe and Archery practice in Ravensley.
Since being back I have recieved my AOA at White Court XL from Princess Amanda.
I have served as Ravensley's Constable for two years, and now I am taking up the Shires MoS position. My wife Thorvia has now Taking on the Shire's Lists Position. Since November XL I have been Tir Righ's Webminister and Deputy Sentinel Editor where I will serve until Fall Coronet this year.
My wife and I have run two events here in Ravensley. We first ran a small potluck Holloween event at Ravens Key Castle. Although it was raining for most of it we made money and had lots of fun.
The second Event was the Viking Feast and Games. THis also was held at Ravens Key Castle over a weekend. The event seen friends from all over the Island. This was a weekend of viking games for everyone to enjoy. We saw Axe & Spear Throwing, Hammer throw, Archery, Viking Warlord Champion Tourney and many more events. The layed back event proved to be very popular and with all food provided for the event made everyone happy (expect maybe the very busy feastocrat, sorry Jean!).
Next on our future autocrating list, Thorvia will be running our 9th Ravens War, this August Long weekend. This will be the war of peace and will see events for everyone simular to the past viking event (since the calendar didn't allow us to hold it agin this year) But this time the events will be for war points.
Thorbjorn Bjornsson was born somewhere in the fjords of Norway in the late 800's. His parents were farm owners in the grassy lands around today's Stavanger. At the age of 14 his father sent him to live and learn beside his Uncle Sven. His uncle was a viking trader and raider. He controlled 10 longships and crew, which Thorbjorn would inherit at the age of 18 after his uncle's death during a raid on a English monastery. It was not easy for Thorbjorn, for there were many high ranking crew members wanting to take control. With many wanting to take their own ship and leave the group. Thorbjorn stopped the mutiny by slaying the first five leaders rebelling. After their death he placed their heads on the tip of five longships to remind the crew the ships belong to him. For this was his birth right and right of arms. Thorbjorn had pushed on with the raids, heading farther south along the English coast raiding monasteries and strongholds along the way. Before the summer's end he lead the fleet back to their home fjord. With a profitable return for all the crew, Thorbjorn had gained the respect and loyalty of his crew.
Over the years he lead the fleet to England, France and even parts of the Roman Empire. Which they had exchanged in trade of slaves, spices and treasures from past raids. During a bold move Thorbjorn believed there were many riches farther east, farther then anyone he ever meet has traveled. At the age of only 25 he lead his crew, family and friends on this long journey. They left theei home fjord in 30 longships. It took them many month traveling south and then many more traveling north east, then east. They stopped at many locations to rest and stock on supplies, even taking slaves and treasures to trade with the next civilization they would encounter. Not all encounters were profitable nor peaceful. They learned the hard way not everyone welcomes people of different colors and race. ALong the way they had lost 5 ships, over 100 people, and many livestock due to attacks, raids, starvation and disease. Two years into their journey, Thorbjorn lost another 10 ships to desertion. They had reached the Pacific where they encountered a large storm, which lasted for two weeks. At the end of the storm they had only recovered 3 ships and 30 people survived. They were low on supplies, food and water when they sighted land due east. They found what appeared to be a fjord. Which seemed strangely similar to the fjord they came from. They travelled down this newly found fjord and discovered it ended at the mouth a river. They decided to settle this land, for they could not go any further. They had found a primitive land with rich soils but little space for growth. With a history of farming, Thorbjorn lead his group in farming building their small community.
Three years later they set out to explore the land they had found. What they discovered was they had landed on a island, were many people from other areas of Europe were just starting to settle as well. They discovered they had found an isolated fjord that nobody else had visited. Hence why they had no idea of other settlers. They came upon a small shire called Ravensley, which was located on a large fjord just south of their own. They accepted the explorers and since they had a greater area for farms, more resources for food, and a need of strong warriors, Thorbjorn uprooted his small group to join the shire. After joining Thorbjorn learned they had landed on a island which later became known as Insula Magna. Which later became part of a principality called Tir Righ which was part on a new kingdom called An Tir.
The call of the sea, raids and war called to Thorbjorn. He left his newly found shire and explored, raided and traded with way through out this new world. With all the riches he could ever hope to take he later returned to Ravensley and settled down. He married a local girl and build his longhouse near the shores of the fjord. His family continues to grow, and he is making a name for his family in Ravenlsey as the Shire's Constable and armoring young warriors to defend the land.
As of January XLI Thorbjorn has retired from the Shires Constable position, to take on the full time training of the shires warrior. The leaders of the community has seen him fit to fill the position of Master of Stables, also if the constables ever need help he will surely be called apon
Award Summary
Thórbjórn Bjórnsson - Highest Award: Award of Arms | Branch: Ravensley Award of Arms | 17-Dec-2005 | AS 40
Or Raven (Ravensley) | 26-Aug-2006 | AS 41
Sable Ravens Rook (Ravensley) | 26-Aug-2006 | AS 41
Sable Ravens Rook Or (Ravensley) | 26-Aug-2006 | AS 41
Vert Ravens Rook (Ravensley) | 26-Aug-2006 | AS 41