Rébeca de la Mare

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Lady Rebeca de la Mare was born in Southern France in the late fifteenth century to a wealthy merchant family. The only daughter, she was allowed to join lessons with her 2 elder and one younger brothers as was the custom at the time, and so she acquired a strong grounding in reading, writing and figuring, as well as political and economical trends of the day, particular with respect to the wools and luxury fabrics her family traded in.

At the age of 17, Rebeca was married to the heir to the heir to a Venetian mercantile empire, cementing the two families' trade alliances when she traveled to Italy to take over as Lady of one of their estates. Unfortunately, after 3 years of marriage and one child, Rebeca's husband died of a freak riding accident. The child (a son) was taken to be raised as heir by its grandparents and Rebeca, who had never liked children anyway, was given a monthly stipend and more or less allowed to do her own thing, which suited her just fine.

As a widow of means, Rebeca is able to travel much of Europe, though she make a point of returning to her her estates in France (dowered to her upon her marriage) and Italy (gifted by her husband at the birth of her son) regularly to oversee their productions and speak with her chatelaines. The small properties are of little importance economically, though they are profitable enough to maintain her lifestyle.

In The SCA

Lady Rebeca resides within the kin