Al Khabeelah

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Al Khabeelah was created because of the Guccis pathetic and asinine rules for new membership. The Guccis needed a unanimous decision before making new members, so when one of them was banished from the group, the doors were essentially closed to new memberships. The Guccis that weren't quite Guccis yet grew tired of being referred to as 'wannabe Guccis' so they decided to start their own household. A number of them were interested in Middle Eastern cultures so they chose to name their new household 'al Khabeelah', roughly translated as 'the Tribe', or 'the mob', or 'the Clot'.

Al Khabeelah has no matriarch, no patriarch, and no sense of how late it might be. The only formal rules they have are 'No Screaming After Midnight' and 'No Constables'. These aren't enforced rules, more like suggestions to maintain peaceful co-existence with the square community. They can easily be found in the Noisy Section under their Arab style tent (often referred to as 'The Vatican of Fun') indulging in the household's favorite pastime, Tablero da Gucci.

The Khabeelahs sponsor and host several Tablero Championships every year including the Lions Gate Baronial Championship at Clinton War, the Kingdom Championship at September Crown, the Tir Righ Championship at Spring Coronet, and the Shittimwoode Championship at Warren War. They've been known to dilute the Championship pool by creating Championships that never existed before.