Hallbjorn Werner

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Hallbjörn Skjalda-Hrafnsson of Appledore


Hallbjorn on the right after his authorization fight
Resides: Shire of Appledore
Date Started: AS 51
Awards: [{{{oplink}}} Order of Precedence]
Offices: Branch Marshal of Appledore

Argent, a bear’s paw print sable and a sinister tierce gules

Hallbjorn is the only armoured fighter and branch marshal in the shire of Appledore for years. There are now others.

Currently the Branch Marshal for Appledore in the Principality of Tir Righ. he has held the office since October - AS 54 (2019)

Hallbjorn joined Appledore shortly after his first event 'the feast of spring' in AS 50 (2015).

The Accomplishment Hallbjorn considers the greatest he has achieved so far was when he finally became an armoured fighter at troll stomp in AS 54 in Appledore. it took him one year from getting his armour started at troll stomp in AS 53, till the troll stomp of AS 54 to get fully kitted out. Helped by Sergeant Jayson (Sarg) Werner the Elder, of Lions gate who gave Hallbjorn a helmet,gorget,bracers and elbows, and much help and advice. Sarg also took Hallbjorn as a man-at-arms months prior to troll stomp. The other person Hallbjorn was helped by is Zihar Al "Nutar" Ben Hassan Banu Khabeelah who gave him a set of leather legs with articulated metal knees, kidney belt, set of leather demi gauntlets, and a chest plate as well as other random bits and pieces. because of Sarg and Zihar, Hallbjorn is a fighter. Hallbjorn is thankful for those who have helped him on his journey.

Two weeks after Hallbjorns authorization he went to Ducal war north where he helped bring victory to the Einars against the Wolf pack and the legion of the flying boars. being the second newest fighter on the field was tough but he survived!