Paulina Ygdrisil

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Revision as of 19:33, 12 July 2011 by Sir Brand MPel (talk | contribs) (Some History about Paulina Ygdrisil)
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M'Lady Paulina Ygdrisil as also known as Pauline Ashley Smith. She lived in the Shire of Coer d' Valle (Corvallis Oregon). She was introduced to the SCA by her son, GregRobin Smith (aka Sir Brand deux Leons). A widow, she split her time between many modern activities (Business and Professional Women, Sweet Adelines -- Female Barbershop Chorus and travel) and the Society. She liked costuming, took part in some school demonstrations and enjoyed watching Brand fight, meeting the friendly people here (she particularly was captivated by the Longentals' courtesy and friendliness:-)

Paulina was ever a Lady, a source of what little sense Brand has and a beautiful, caring spirit. She passed from this mortal coil ~ 1994.

Her birthday was May the 1st and to do her memory honor, Brand and his wife Cymbric were married on her birthday in 1995.

I will try and find some pictures of her in garb.

In loving tribute, Brand.