Capt Hook
aka The Brat
Born 15th Century (1450 Present Age 7) in the Black Forest. Grew up as a barn cat and blacksmith's apprentice's companion. As a young cat left home to travel to the south to join a Barbary Corsair.
Non Official Achievements
- Ship's Favor (The Viridian Star) Dec 2010
- Made Captain of the Pragadon (The Viridian Star's Longboat, Currently in dry dock for repairs, cats dont make good sailors lol ) By Former Captain Draven of Pragadon Sept 2009
- Only mascot in the Sca to be Captain of his OWN ship. (Longboat)
More Information
- Sails on The Viridian Star
- Owned by Lord Ulrich HelleFeuer
- Never caught a mouse or rat in his life!