Julian Edward Farnsworth of Falconmoors

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11 June XLI/2006, 10:27am

It is with great sadness that I tell you that Master Julian passed away last night. There will be a memorial for him at July Coronation on Saturday evening. Details to follow. Please remember him for his greatness as a person and a mentor to so many of us. Remember him best by teaching the ideals and truths he tried to live by in his everyday life because no better or lasting legacy would he wish.

Master Andras

12 June XLI/2006, 12:41pm

Greetings, AnTir. At the request of Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors, I am providing some information about Master Julian's funeral and memorials.

Per Master Julian's request, his body was cremated. There will be no internment. A private memorial service will be held for family members. Baroness Arianne has asked that cards and letters be sent to her at the following address: [address removed for privacy]. In lieu of flowers, she asks that you make a donation to the charity of your choice. Emails are appreciated at [e-mail address removed for privacy] if that is a more convenient way to communicate.

Baroness Arianne Baroness Rosamund invite all to join with the Barony of Aquaterra Saturday night at the tavern at Boar's Hunt (see Crier or Kingdom Events website) for a time of remembrance of the SCA life of Master Julian. All who wish to share a story are asked to gather at the tavern and tell those assembled some of the wonderful episodes of his life. For those of you who cannot make it but wish to have your say, please email your story to Her Excellency Rosamund, Baroness of Aquaterra, at [address removed for privacy]. All stories will be gathered and made into a scrap book for both Baroness Arianne and the Barony of Aquaterra.

Another memorial is being planned for July Coronation in Dragonslaire. This memorial will be in line with the wishes of Master Julian for a glorious send off. However, there are details to be approved and it is not yet time to announce the final plan for the memorial. When all the details are worked out an announcement will be sent to all the lists so that everyone may know how to participate. We appreciate your patience. There has been some stories floating around about what is planned. We ask that you wait for the official announcement, as spreading these stories confuses everyone and jeapordizes the real memorial effort.

Please send this to all appropriate lists. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at [address removed for privacy].

In Service,

Master Andras Truemark

11 June XLI/2006, 07:36pm

once upon a time a good man asked me if i would be his man at arms. i asked him why, as i was a little (okay, a lot) surprised by this.

he told me that i was a good man in a fight, and that he would feel safer knowing i had the watch.

this was the first time anyone had asked me to be anything in the sca, and i've tried my best.

sometimes all it takes is someone to believe in you.

thank you julian.

the tears are falling on my keyboard as i write this.

i am going to miss you my friend.

safe journey, and that light behind you is the candle in my window. -dd

HL Sylverstone the Traveller
Cavalry Rider, in service to Lioness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland
Seneschal at large / Seneschal for life, County Duvall
Man at arms to Master Baron Julian Farnsworth of Falconmoors
Protege to Companion Aaron of The Black Mountains
Member of the Order of the Iron Chain