Award of the Gime Stone
The center of the award is a four-pointed diamond-shaped necklace of Terra Pomaria's populace badge that hangs from the top point. Three smaller diamonds may be gained and hung from the lower three points of the greater diamond as the recipient is recognized for outstanding participation of Arts and Sciences (azure / blue in color), Martial Skill (sable / black in color) and Service (gules / red in color). Recipients receive the center of the award when they are given any one of their first achievements. The award was created by Gawin and Marianna, 3rd Baron and Baroness of Terra Pomaria introduced at Harvest Tourney-Crimson Sky War AS XLI/2006.
- Morgana of Green River Emerald Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006
- Morgana of Green River Sapphire Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006
- Morgana of Green River Ruby Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006
- Finna Grimsdottir Ruby Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006
- Finna Grimsdottir Sapphire Oct 7 AS 41 / 2006
- Julianna Van Aardenburg Ruby Aug 23 AS / 43, 2008
- Stephanie of the Sanguine Rose Azure (A&S) August 28 AS 45 / 2010
- Catarine Quhiting Sable (Martial) August 28 AS 45 / 2010
- Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne Gules (Service) August 29 AS 45 / 2010
- Francesca Maria Volpelli Gules (Service) August 29 AS 45 / 2010
- Fortune verch Thomas Azure (A&S) August 29 AS 45 / 2010
- Tassi of Terra Pomaria Sable (Martial) August 29 AS 45 / 2010