Vesta Antonia Aurelia
Vestinia Antonia Aurelia (called "Vesta") was a resident of Ephesus, 62 BCE. The daughter of a retired Roman soldier and a Greek mother, she stumbled into this place called "An Tir" where she can undertake gladitorial training without worrying about her father's disapproval. Over time, she has received notice from its various Imperators and has given her soldier's oath to Ambrosius Mavrorothakis Cabellerios.
Main interest is, of course, heavy fighting (along with the tangential interests of heavy marshalling).
Secondary interests include the Romans (especially the middle and late Republic) with an emphasis on the Virgines Vestales, gladitorial combat and Roman cooking (emphasis on Apicius, Cato and Columella). Also included: a complete obsession for all things Minoan, Elizabethan-age drama, Norse poetry forms, live and written storytelling, clothing in Bronze Age settlement civilizations (Sumerians, Harrapans, etc) and works of Greek art.
Personal History
Vesta's first event, technically, was the last Kriegstreiber, back when she was resident of Three Mountains, but not yet playing. She visited with a group of college friends. But Real Life(tm) intervened, and employment drew her to the Summits.
Her first camping event was Border War, during Skapti's first reign, when the Summits was a brand-new principality. It is all quite hazy, as she was still a mid-16th Century German persona (called Ilsa von Waldsee), then. However, the subsequent summer heat (and supreme lack of needlework skills) soon cured any ambitions of wearing late period clothing. Thus, Vesta.