Winter's End XLIII/2009

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Terra Pomaria Winter Event

Site token of Winter's End 2009 from Terra Pomaria Grete Boke
14 February XLIII/2009
Winters End on the Feast of St. Valentines
Barony of Terra Pomaria (Marion, Polk & Lincoln Counties, Oregon)
Bridgit of Guernsey
Oak Grove Grange Hall - US 2700 Oak Grove Road, Rickreall, OR 97313
Overcast, cold, occasional sun

Site Copy

It is time to celebrate the Ending of Winter, join us upon the Feast of St Valentine as we enter the Courts of Love in Terra Pomaria. There will be a Rapier Tournament and a contest of knowledge and skill to choose our new Champions. (More details below)

Since this IS the Feast of St Valentine, we invite you to demonstrate your adoration for the one who has inspired you with poetry, song, small gifts, and with your best chivalric manners. The populace shall judge who has shown the highest honor and they will be proclaimed before all as desert is served.

This is a one day event starting at 9:00 am and ending at 10:00 PM. Site is dry, please bring a pot luck dish with enough to serve 8 and your group along with a serving utensil and list of ingredients.

Site Fees; Adult $10 Youth 5 to 17 $5 Family cap $35 Nonmember surcharge $3 Make checks payable to SCA INC Barony of T.P.

  • 9:00 AM Gate Opens
  • 10:00 AM Sign-up for Rapier Tourney (you can compete without intending to be Champion)
  • 11:45 AM Opening Court. Contestants for the Champions presented themselves and declared their intent to compete to their Excellencies.
  • 12:00 PM Lunch was served
  • 12:30 PM Arts And Sciences Champion judging begins.
  • 12:30 PM Rapier Champions and Tournament of Roses begins
  • 3:00 PM Lunch ends
  • 3:00 PM Armored Fighters practice bout
  • 4:00 PM Bring your Pot-Luck dish in to be set up for the Feast
  • 5:00 PM Principality Court held by Their Highnesses Prince Brian & Princess Acacia of the Summits with business from Baron Rolund & Baroness Emma of Terra Pomaria within Their Highnesses Court.
  • 5:45 PM Pot Luck feast began
Details about the Rapier Tournement

Bring the person of your choice to stand as your inspiration. They will be given roses, one is theirs as a keepsake and in exchange they shall giveyou a favor to keep.When a bout is lost the inspiration gives one of their roses to the winner. Eventually there shall be only one who will be holding a complete bouquet. The others will have one rose to keep. You do not have to enter for the Championship to particpat in the Tourney. If you don't have someone to ask to stand as inspiration we can help with that. There will be ribbons and items available to use for favors and the Barony will provide the Roses. This is a wonderful opportunity to act with chivalry and drama, come join us and help make it memorable.

Details of the Arts and Sciences Contest

Please present letter of intent and be at Opening Court at 11:30 AM. You may compete in all catagories if you choose. To qualify for Champion you must have three entries. You will need expertise in one of the three entries and working knowledge in the other two. The intent is to challenge you to spread your wings and try something new. You will be asked to present your entries and answer questions related to your entry. The intent is to get a view of what your are intending and to give you an opportunity to describe any adaptations, interpretations and changes you may have made. Please provide some documentation about your entry to assist the judges in evaluating your entry. Scoring will use the Kingdom A&S judging format. All judges scores are tallied with the highest score becoming our Champion.

Event Highlights


Personal Memories

This was a relatively small, quaint event attended by a lot of newcomers. Many veteran faces made it out to say hello and mingle with everyone. There was more food than any peson should eat in 10 settings. Court was just the right amount of time and it could be said a good time was had by all. --Jehan-Jacques Lavigne

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash (-) x 2 plus tilde (~) x3 all run together. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)