Tir Righ Winter Investiture XL/2005

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The Investiture of Ulf and Amanda, succeeding Ieuan and Gwyneth

19-20 Nov. XL/2005
Danescombe (Kelowna, BC)
Autocrat Team
Autocrat: Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland
Registration: Finna Kettilsdottir
Feast Goddess: Keinna de Savage
Information and Web: Sevrin de Savage
Westbank Community Centre, 2466 Main Street, Westbank, BC
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Banquet by Saint Gentian's Table, under Keinna Lady de Savage. Followed by a Masked Ball.
Principality Rapier Championship

Event Highlights

(Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)

Banquet Menu:

Antipasto: Beef Oven Sausage, Marinated Vegetable Salad

First Remove: Chicken Carrots with Garlic Sauce, Buttered Carrots, Mushroom Tarts, Sugared Mint & Rose Petals

Second Remove: Roast Pork, Amplummus, Tart on Ember Day, Perry of Pesoun, Candied Fennel

Third Remove: Crispin's Apple with Cream, Fruit and Cheese Board


Photos by Alienor Sanz-Argent

Personal Memories

I have three very clear "snapshot" memories from the Investiture Ceremony:

  1. The Prince's guard are (almost?) all women. As they processed in, they thumped their spears on the floor. (I remember thinking to myself "Please don't dent the floor, we want to use this hall again. Please don't dent the floor...")
  2. The resounding cheering when Ulf announced Princess Amanda to the populace. The rafters rocked.
  3. The size of Amanda's retinue: It's very big and she has included folks from all over the principality. (Smart lady -- no matter where she goes in the Principality, she'll have local folks as retinue.) Her Highness has Heavy Guard, a Rapier Guard, an Archery Guard and an Arts and Sciences Guard (who no doubt will throw themselves between Their Highnesses and any occurances of polyester+). I have no doubt that the 'royal education' of a future prince or princess of Tir Righ was begun by becoming one of Her Highness's attendants.

Oh my goodness, the banquet food was TERRIFIC. The candied mint leaves and rose petals were divine.

We made just a touch over $500 on the dessert auction for the Principality.

--Elizabeth Braidwood

+ "...occurances of polyester" Sunjan is on the A&S Guard, it's her line. I stole it.