Disa i Birkilundi

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Baroness Disa, OL
Posament made by Disa

Baroness Disa i Birkilundi is a 10th century Norsewomen from Birka, Sweden. She is a member of The Priory of Saint Catherine, a resident of the Barony of Glymm Mere, and an honorary member and former resident of the Barony of Dragon's Mist. She is the the proud mother of Lady Thora Disadottir and Lady Rosemunda Whitewood. Her passions include posament, antler work, wire weaving, card weaving, and Ithra.

At Dragon's Laire Yule AS 50 she was taken as an apprentice by Cristiana de Huntington. At 12th Night AS 53 she was placed on vigil for the Order of the Laurel and was elevated to the Order at May Crown AS 54.

In AS 56 she was named the 10th Baroness of Glymm Mere with her partner Baron Alasdair Mac Roibeirt.

During the pandemic she hosted an online class series that can be found on YouTube here:Early Sweden YouTube Channel.

In AS 57 at June Faire, Disa took Pelagiia Innaovna doch as her first apprentice. At Honey War in the same year she took HL Wolfegar von Rothenburg as her apprentice.

Baroness Disa and Baron Alasdair


Link to EarlySweden.WordPress.com here:Early Sweden Blog


Per pale and per chevron argent and purpure, three birch leaves inverted counterchanged.

Awards Received

  • Award of Arms Sept 2 AS 41 / 2006
  • Crystal of Glymm Mere (Glymm Mere) Dec 2 AS 41 / 2006
  • Red Hart (Glymm Mere) Oct 6 AS 42 / 2007
  • Degree of Magister in Wireweaving (Ithra) Feb 15 AS 43 / 2009
  • Hunter's Horn (Glymm Mere) June 13 AS 44 / 2009
  • Goutte De Sang Mar 6 AS 44 / 2010
  • Arts and Sciences Champion (Glymm Mere) April 3 AS 44 / 2010
  • Lector Ithra - Artis March 17 AS 46 / 2012
  • Lector Ithra - Scientiae March 17 AS 46 / 2012
  • Arts and Sciences Champion (Dragon's Mist) March 21 2015 / AS 49
  • Dragon's Kin (Dragon's Mist) June 26, 2015 / AS 50
  • Jambe de Lion July 19, 2015 / AS 50
  • Book and Quill (Dragon's Mist) September 12, 2015 / AS 50
  • Forget Me Not November 7, 2015 / AS 50
  • Arts and Sciences Champion (Glymm Mere) December 12, 2015 / AS 50
  • Baroness Favor (Glymm Mere) April 1, 2017 / AS 51
  • Forget Me Not January 11, 2019 / AS 53
  • Laurel May 18, 2019 / AS 54
  • Sweet of Glymm Mere July 13, 2019 / AS 54
  • Royal Service Token July 19, 2019 / AS 54
  • Baroness Favor (Dragon's Mist) August 15, 2020 / AS 55
  • Baroness #10 Glymm Mere Sept 2, 2020 / AS 55
  • Alimentaum Vitae January 9, 2021 / AS 55
  • Royal Recognition of Excellence (Caid) October 30, 2021 / AS 56
  • Baron's Favor (Glymm Mere) December 2, 2023
  • Bountiful Hand (An Tir) December 2, 2023

Offices Held

  • Gold Key (Glymm Mere) 03/06-12/06
  • Herald (Glymm Mere) 12/06-05/08
  • Chief Archer (Glymm Mere) 06/08-11/09
  • Chatelaine (Glymm Mere) 12/09-04/10
  • A&S Minister (Glymm Mere) 4/10-01/11
  • Chronicler (Dragon’s Mist) 4/14-4/15
  • A&S Minister (Glymm Mere) 01/18-05/18
  • Baroness (Glymm Mere) 09/20-Present
  • Stand-in Scribe (Glymm Mere) 7/2021 - 4/2023
  • Pacifica Laurel Regional Secretary (An Tir) 04/22 - Present


  • Lady in Waiting (Glymm Mere) - Wolfgang von Bremen and Julianna MacPherson
  • Lady in Waiting (Glymm Mere) - Godric ap Ryes and Kara of St David
  • Royal Liaison (Dragon's Mist) - Finn Grimm
  • Head Lady in Waiting (Glymm Mere) - Dunstan M'Lolane and Aelisia of Cambrewell
  • Lady in Waiting (An Tir) - Havordh Ættarbani and Mary Grace of Gatland
  • Head of Retinue (Glymm Mere) - Dunstan M'Lolane and Aelisia of Cambrewell
  • Royal Liaison (Dragon's Mist) - José Cabrera de Castilla and Iuliana de la Sara
  • Lady in Waiting (An Tir) - Savrick and Dalla
  • Lady in Waiting (An Tir) - Kjartan and Sha'ya

Classes and Demos

Wire Weaving

  • Ithra at Fibers and Fletching 8/23/08
  • Mid-Winter Shittimwoode Ithra 2/14/09
  • Almost Spring Ithra 3/17/12
  • Kingdom A&S 3/6/10
  • Irish Feast 4/10/10
  • Glymm Mere Project Night 5/10/10
  • Autumn Accademia 11/19/11
  • Irish Spring Feast 4/14/12
  • Seafarer's Celebration 8/2/14
  • Arts Gathering 9/27/14
  • May Crown 5/16/15
  • Newcomer's/Youth Championship 6/27/16
  • Seafarer's Celebration 8/1/15
  • Glymm Mere Yule 12/12/15
  • May Crown 5/20/17
  • Dragon's Laire Arts & Sciences Day Camp 4/14/18
  • Honey War 7/13/19


  • Faire in the Grove 5/3/14
  • Honey War 3/14/15
  • Faire in the Grove 5/3/15
  • Mayfaire 5/30/15
  • Mayfaire 5/14/16

Apron Dress Construction

  • Ithra at Fibers and Fletching 8/23/08
  • Mid-Winter Shittimwoode Ithra 2/14/09
  • Falling Leaves Ithra 11/21/09
  • Almost Spring Ithra 3/17/12
  • Kingdom A&S 3/6/10
  • Irish Feast 4/10/10
  • Mayfaire 4/31/10
  • Glymm Mere Business Meeting 6/16
  • Seafarer's Celebration 7/30/16
  • Glymm Mere Business Meeting 4/11/17

Norse Bling

  • Almost Spring Ithra 3/17/12


  • May Crown 5/16/15
  • Newcomer's/Youth Championship 6/27/16
  • Seafarer's Celebration 8/1/15
  • Seafarer's Celebration 7/30/16
  • September Crown 9/3/16
  • AnTir Collegium (Lecture Class) 11/12/16
  • Embers and Ambrosia 4/29/17
  • May Crown 5/20/17
  • Carnevale di Venezia 3/24/18
  • Embers and Ambrosia 4/28/18
  • Collegium 11/9/18
  • Collegium (Lecture class) 11/10/18
  • July Coronation 7/20/19
  • Autumn War 8/9/19


  • Faire in the Grove 5/3/15
  • Mayfaire 5/30/15
  • Mayfaire 5/14/16
  • Junefaire 6/3/17
  • Junefaire 6/2/18
  • Junefaire 6/8/19


  • Honey War Grand Moot (Glymm Mere) August 10-12 2007 - Event Steward
  • Honey War (Glymm Mere) June 13-15 2008 - Co-Event Steward
  • Norse Winter Nights (Glymm Mere) October 18 2008 - Event Steward
  • Honey War (Glymm Mere) June 12-14 2009 - Event Steward
  • Boar's Head Championship Tournament (Dragon's Mist) June 20-22, 2014 - Event Steward
  • May Crown (An Tir) - May 15-17, 2015 - Arts and Sciences Activities Coordinator
  • Newcomer's/Youth Championship (Dragon’s Mist) June 26-28, 2015 - Co-Event Steward
  • Kingdom Arts and Sciences/Bardic Championship (An Tir) March 4-6, 2016 - Co-Event Steward
  • September Crown (An Tir) - September 2-5, 2016 - Arts and Sciences Activities Coordinator
  • Glymm Mere Lyceum (Glymm Mere) - April 1, 2017 - Event Steward
  • Kingdom Arts & Sciences and Queen's Rapier Championships (An Tir) March 2-4, 2018 - Event Steward
  • Honey War (Glymm Mere) - July 12-14, 2019 - Class Coordinator
  • Lyceum (Glymm Mere) - April 18, 2020 - Event Steward (Cancelled)
  • Kingdom Arts, Sciences and Rapier (An Tir) - February 24-26, 2023 - A&S Liason
  • June Faire (Dragon's Laire) - June 16-18, 2023 - Gate Lead
  • Prelude to War (Glymm Mere) - August 11-16, 2023 - A&S Class Lead
  • SCA DEIB Collegium (An Tir 2024) - Panelist
  • June Faire (Dragon's Laire) - June 14-16, 2024 - Gate Lead

Online Work

  • Online Class Series (2020-2021) - Disa hosted and edited fifty classes during the pandemic taught by twenty seven different teachers including herself. Forty Eight of those classes can be found on her YouTube Channel here: Early Sweden YouTube Channel
  • Athenaeum Zoom Coordinator (2020) - Disa ran the one on one Zoom meeting for the first online Athenaeum and hosted the meetings and classes for the Exhibitors and Laurels leading up to the event.
  • Zoom Activities (2020-Present) - During the pandemic, Disa hosted weekly online Socials through Zoom for the Barony of Glymm Mere as well as other activities including Harp and Ukulele classes alternating each week, monthly Bardic nights, Live in Glymm Mere interviews and their Online Yule and meetings for other groups as well.
  • 12th Night Advertisement Lead (2021) - Lead the team and designed the advertisements leading up to Ethereal 12th Night 2021.
  • Editing of Online Content (2020-Present) - Edited all official content including Courts and Announcements from Glymm Mere in 2020 and 2021.
  • Running the Baronial Instagram Account (2020 - Present)


  • 50 AoA Circlets (Kingdom) - Sept 2023
  • 50 AoA Circlets (Kingdom) - January 2023