Al Khabeelah
Al Khabeelah is a Noisy Section household comprised of various walks of SCA life, from Royal Peers to the lowliest, OP deficient drunken screamers who have no idea how late it might be. The Tribe is known for it's lackadaisical and laconic view of the SCA, along with the loquacity of certain members.
A Very Brief History
Al Khabeelah was created because of the Gucci's pathetic and asinine rules for new membership. The Guccis required a unanimous decision before making new members, so when one of them was banished from the group the doors were essentially closed to new memberships. The Guccis that weren't quite Guccis yet grew tired of being referred to as 'wannabe Guccis' so they decided to start their own household. A number of them were interested in Middle Eastern cultures so they fashioned their new household after a Bedouin example. The name 'al Khabeelah', roughly translated from the Arabic as the Tribe, the Mob, or the Clot, reflects their numerous inter-relationships.
The bulk of active members reside mainly in Lions Gate and Shittimwoode. With many folks claiming familial ties from branches all around the Knowne World, such as Madrone, Vulcanfeldt, Aquaterra, Ealdormere, Seagirt, The West, The Summits, Avacal, and Drachenwald.
Household Structure. . .Or Lack Thereof
Patriarchs & Matriarchs
Al Khabeelah has no matriarch and no patriarch. There is no head of household. The reasoning behind this brash and logical idea is simple: Nobody gets busted if nobody's in charge.
You Don't Get One
The Tribe chooses not to formally humiliate their new members with silly initiation ceremonies or ridiculous requirements. Instead, they choose to save up that torture and dish it out slowly throughout the subsequent years. If the subject feels comfortable taking the name, then the subject takes the name. Big deal.
You're Not The Boss Of Me
The only rules they have are 'No Screaming After Midnight' and 'No Constables'. These should be thought of less like rules and more like helpful suggestions to maintain peaceful co-existence with the square community. (see constables)
Location, Location, Location
The Khabeelahs can easily be found in the Noisy Section under their Arab style tent (often referred to as The Vatican of Fun, but usually referred to as the Khabeelah Tent) indulging in the household's favorite pastime, Tablero da Gucci.

Tablero da Gucci
Muggins is not a rule in this tent!!! The Tribe plays Tablero da Gucci. If you wish to play with silly and un-chivalric rules like muggins, go play somewhere else.
Here's to the Queen!!! is the proper oral respose to rolling, and drinking, a Queen's number. Khabeelah, unlike other households, prefers to exalt the Queen over the number.
Al Khabeelah sponsors and hosts several Tablero Championships every year including the Lions Gate Baronial Championship at Clinton War, the Kingdom Championship at September Crown, the Tir Righ Championship at Spring Coronet, and the Shittimwoode Championship at Warren War. They've been known to occasionally dilute the Championship pool by creating Championships on the spur of the moment that never existed before. Sometimes it's just more fun to keep score.
The Tribe's colors, purple, orange, and green, were chosen because of the desire to present as un-heraldic a display as possible.
Al Khabeelah's household device blazon is: Stripey Purpur, Or, Vert, overall al Khabeelah in Arabic script Or.
Personal Memories
At July Coronation 2006, a woman burst into the tent crying, "Please, for the love of god, stop screaming!" She stumbled off into the dark, wailing. In walks King Skeggi not five minutes later and says, "You guys are great. It's good to know that you're still making noise and pissing people off!" --Hjlmr inn Danski 12:45, 14 May 2007 (EDT)