Embellishers' Displays

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Embellishers' Guild of An Tir

Contests, Displays, and Projects

The Challenge Challenge, Yes this is still a THING

We challenge you to submit and complete as many challenges as you can between now and 12th Night! We are making a big push to get some of our members to Artisan level, come and be one of them (or at least get closer to it)! Ideas?

If you wish to sponsor or suggest a contest, display or challenge, please do let the Guild Minister know! She'd love to hear from you! Past Contests, Displays and Challenges Year Long Challenge: from 12th Night 2013 to 12th Night 2014

With this challenge we all learned something new. We spent a year learning the form of embellishment, and then showed off what we'd learned at 12th Night! A Thing and Its Embellishment: 12th Night Contest, 2013

The display/contest went very well. There were many lovely items on show, and many people came by to see them all. 5 people brought items to display:

   Lady Alizaunde brought beautiful celtic embroidery done in stem and modified basket stitches, eventually meant to decorate a tunic.
   THL Havoise de Rohan came with various pieces: a split/stem stitch embroidery on silk of the Welshdragon, a tablecloth with large areas of cross-stitched voided work (assisi) and a tunic embroidered with various stitches around the neckline and so on. All wonderful work.
   Gudrun Saebjornsdottir entered celtic embroidery done as a very nice favor for her husband.
   Dame Madrun displayed wood burning and painting on the cover of a hand-bound book used for remembrances at Baroness Laurellen's vigil for Pelican.
   THL Aelianora de Wyntringham showed a 14th-15th C German brick-stitched bag.

A Few Snapshots of the Display/Contest at 12th Night, 2013

Alizaunde's display: Lovely work!

A close up of one of Alizaunde's celtic dogs motifs

An embroidered tunic, by Havoise de Rohan

Voided cross-stitch (Assisi work)on a tablecloth, Havoise de Rohan

Split stitch Welsh dragon on a silk bag, Havoise de Rohan

Burned and painted book cover on a handbound book, Dame Madrun

German bag, in brick stitch, Aelianora de Wyntringham

Unfortunately pictures were not able to be taken of Gudrun's lovely work. The photographer forgot to do it! (Sorry)

For more about this see the guild ranks and guidelines page or the guild guidelines pdf.

If you have anything you'd like to add to this website, please email the Guild Webmistress.

Copyright individual copyright holders on illustrations and assorted texts.