Sealion War XLVII/2012

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War Point Summary

As posted to the Northern Road by His Excellency Baron James Of Sunshine.

Original Message -----

From: "James Wolfden" <> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:17 AM Subject: [northern] Of Sunshine, Bacon, and the Sealion War


This last weekend, The Barony of Lions Gate meet the Barony of Seagirt in The Grene Wode to test each other's mettle and valour.

There was sunshine.

There was bacon.

Brought to you respectively by James, The Baron of Sunshine, and Eideard, The Baron of Bacon.

Lions Gate took the first war point when Seagirt failed to show up with an entry for the Science War Point which required a recreation of medieval stage effect. Doctor Carus may have gone with a little too much caution in creating his smoke bomb but his thunder still thundered.

Seagirt 0 Lions Gate 1

The heavy fighters took to the field. Seagirt's forces were heavily fortified with mercenaries hired with promises of bacon and beer. Seagirt won the opening field battle. Lions Gate took the first of the street battles. Seagirt won the capture the flag resurrection battle after a grueling battle in the hot sun. Up two to one, Seagirt took the next street battle to take the heavy war point.

Seagirt 1 Lions Gate 1

On the target archery range, the heat played havoc with the concentration of the archers but it played it uniformly. Lions Gate took the Flag Shoot. The next two rounds combined a Royal Round with a Petticoat Round shoot at the same time. A petticoat in archery is an arrow that hits the target face in a non-scoring location. Seagirt took the Petticoat and Lions Gate took the Royal Round giving Lions Gate the point in archery.

Seagirt 1 Lions Gate 2

With Science decided in the morning, the afternoon looked to the arts with an entry inspired by A Midsummer's Night Dream. Seagirt easily took this point when Lions Gate failed to have their entry show up. Seagirt had two entries - A Medieval Tourney Helm Crest in the shape of an Ass' head done in wood and leather and a late period doll dressed up as Titania, Queen of the Fairies. There can only be one winner and Baron James and Baron Eideard picked Titania.

Seagirt 2 Lions Gate 2

The Rapier fighters took to the warfield. Lions Gate took the field battle. Seagirt took the street fight two straight in the best of three. In the Capture the Flag Best of Three, Lions Gate the first battle but Seagirt took the second. Under the leadership of Seamus, The Lions Gate Defender of Rapier, Lions Gate was able to capture the flag to win the battle and the war point.

Seagirt 2 Lions Gate 3

It all came down to the Bardic Point - one original sonnet and one recital of a Shakespearean sonnet. Seven bards took up the challenge - four for Lions Gate and three for Seagirt. The competition was fantastic. Many of the original sonnets were written that day. Baron Eideard and myself put the task of choosing the winner of the competition to lovely Baroness Mogg and the Beautiful Baroness Margaret for it takes true beauty to appreciate true beauty.

The Baronesses held their decision until closing court with any enquiries by myself to be met just with a synchronized "No". It seems that making them chose one outstanding performance when all they wanted to do was sit back on just enjoy all the performances did not sit well with them. Why have a war when we could just have tea and scones instead?

However, they did pick a winner eventually and gave the Bardic Point to Seagirt.

Seagirt 3 Lions Gate 3

I remember now. I was going to add a Youth Point to ensure an odd number of points. Something about Teenage Medieval Angst.

But I forgot.

And so, Sealion War was a tie.

I guess we will have to do it again next year.

Have Fun, Play Fair

Baron James

May the sun always be at your back and in your enemy's eyes!

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. - Kipling


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

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