Ulrich HelleFeuer
aka Ulrich Hellfire
Born 15th Century (1420 Present Age 37) in the Black Forest. Grew up as a farmboy and blacksmith's apprentice. as a young teen left home to travel to the south to join a Barbary Corsair. A Sailor. A Pirate (in some eyes, Ottoman Navy in others).
- Man At Arms (Glymm Mere) 2005 through 2008
- Rapier Champion (Fire Mountain Keep) Aug 22, 2009 (AS XLIV) through Aug 21, 2010 (AS XLV)
- Award of Arms (An Tir)
By: Skeggi Hrafensfuri, Taisiia Volchkova Mar 12, 2011 (AS XLV)
- Cadeted To Don Samuel MacTawisch 2009
- Letter of Marque Sept Crown 2009
Cadet Brothers
- Christopher Stanley, Now of the Order of the White Scarf
- Verith De Prendergast
- Fencing (Italian)
- Archery (Japanese)
- Heavy Fighting (Middle Eastern)
- Steelworking/Blacksmithing (Japanese)
- Leatherworking
- Bowyer
More Information
- Formally Rapier Marshal for the Shire (now Barony) of Wyewood. Currently Residing in Dragon's Laire.
- Former Captain of the Viridian Star, An Tir's Newest Naval Vessel, In her Highness' Service as Her personal Flagship
- Currently First Mate of the Viridian Star, Captain of the Viridian Star company of Fighters
- Owner of Capt Hook, Leeloo the Wolf, and Crush, Mascots of the Viridian Star.
- Email Address is made_in_heaven_11@hotmail.com
I've been playing in the SCA off and On for 24 years now I became a member in An Tir in 2005 and a Sr. Fencing Marshal in 2009.