An Tir Timeline VIII

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May VIII/1973

5-6 May VIII/1973
Kingdom of the West Coronation #24 Paul and Carol "Beltane Coronation Festival" from the History of the Kingdom of the West
12 May VIII/1973
Clan Gathering, Barony of Three Mountains. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
27 May VIII/1973
Royal Tourney of Union (Principality of An Tir), Barony of Madrone.
"At this tournament the Baronies of Madrone and Three Mountains united to form a principality, the name of which had not yet been chosen. King Paul, Baron Frederic of the WestTower (Three Mountains) and Baron Raymond the Mild (Madrone) signed a charter of union, in the place of the formal charter which had yet to be signed by the Board of Directors." Full Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West (Worth reading. Humorous bit about Masters at Arms).

June VIII/1973

9 June VIII/1973
Anniversary Tourney, Barony of Three Mountains. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

June 17 Barony of

17 June VIII/1973
Revels, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
23 June VIII/1973
Kingdom of the West Midsummer Crown Tourney from the History of the Kingdom of the West

July VIII/1973

8 July VIII/1973
High Summer Tourney, Barony of Three Mountains. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
28-29 July VIII/1973
Kingdom of the West Coronation #25 Henrik and Seitse. "Purgatorio Coronation Festival" from the History of the Kingdom of the West
29 July VIII/1973
Midelsumer Fest, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

August VIII/1973

25 Aug VIII/1973
First Coronet Tournament and Investiture of the Principality of An Tir. #1 Frederick of the West Tower and Anne of the White Tower are invested as the first Prince and Princess of An Tir.
The first runner-up and first recipient of the Silver Rose is Steingrim Stallari; this is his first award.

September VIII/1973

1-3 Sept VIII/1973
Rennaissance Faire, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
22 Sept VIII/1973
Wedding Revel, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
30 Sept VIII/1973
Kingdom of the West Autumn Crown Tourney from the History of the Kingdom of the West

October VIII/1973

27 Oct VIII/1973
First Samhain Revel, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
Some time in October
Lions Gate organizational meeting.

November VIII/1973

17 Nov VIII/1973
St. Bunstable’s Day Revel, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

December VIII/1973

1 Dec VIII/1973
Bardic Revel, Canton of Entice, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
15 Dec VIII/1973
Seattle Art Museum Christmas Party, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

January VIII/1974

5 Jan VIII/1974
Kingdom of the West Coronation #26 Andrew and Salome. "Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels" from the History of the Kingdom of the West
5 Jan VIII/1974
First Principality of An Tir Twelfth Night Revels, Barony of Madrone. Event Description, see also here from the History of the Kingdom of the West
19 Jan VIII/1974
Midwinter Tourney and Revel, Canton of Xerophil, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

February VIII/1974

16 Feb VIII/1974
Valentine’s Day Revel, Shire of Silver Magnae, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
It appears that in the early years, sub-branches of baronies were shires -- not cantons. But it didn't last long. See #April VIII/1974
16 Feb VIII/1974
Revel, Barony of Three Mountains. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
22-24 Feb VIII/1974
V-Con III Demonstration, Barony of Lions Gate. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

March VIII/1974

2 March VIII/1974
An Tir Spring Coronet Tournament and Investiture #2 Richard and Lenore. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
Silver Rose: Jerald of Galloway

March 16 Barony of

16 Mar VIII/1974
St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
23 Mar VIII/1974
Medieval Night, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
30 Mar VIII/1974
Kingdom of the West Spring Crown Tourney from the History of the Kingdom of the West

April VIII/1974

6 Apr VIII/1974
Second Revel, Barony of Adiantum. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
13 Apr VIII/1974
St. Leo’s Day Tourney, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
20-21 Apr VIII/1974
Centralia College Faire, Barony of Madrone. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West
20-21 Apr VIII/1974
Green Shadows Tourney, Barony of Madrone, Canton of Silver Magnae. Event Description from the History of the Kingdom of the West

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