Natal'ia Volkovicha

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Natal'ia and Sofy'a at Penguin's Crusade, AS 43. Photo by Madb of Cae Mor
Natal'ia and Sofy'a at Penguin's Crusade, AS 43. Photo by Madb of Cae Mor

Her Excellency Natal'ia is the mother of Sof'ya Khudykovicha and wife to HL Khudyka Dobrakovich, and currently resides in the Shire of Cold Keep, in the Principality of Avacal. She currently inspires His Excellency Toryn Davinsson and is apprenticed to Maistreas Sadb ingen Thuathail.

(AKA: Eadan)

Gilded Griffin - November 28 2009 (AS 44)
Jambe de Lion - Feb 28 2009 (AS 43)
Viscountess - Feb 28 2009 (AS 43)
Prince's Favour - Feb 28 2009 (AS 43)
Princess' Knott - Feb 24 2007 (AS 41)
Goutte de Sang (June 2005, AS 40)
Award of Arms (Ivar and Asney, February Investiture, (AS 37)
Cold Keep A&S Champion (AS 37)

Deputy, Their Highnesses University of Avacal
Former Principality Chatelaine - Avacal
Former Shire of Vinjar Chatelaine
Former Shire of Cold Keep Seneschal
Shire of Cold Keep Arts and Sciences Officer

Bardic, Archery, Research, Heraldry, Waterbearing, Scribal, Midwifery, Medicine, Herbalism

His Excellency, Toryn Davinsson, and Her Excellency, Natal'ia Volkovicha, new Tanist and Tanista of Avacal. June 7, AS XLIII. Photo by Sadb ingen Thuathail