Gustav and Sofia

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Preceded by:
Berek III and Liesel III
Gustav Beiskaldarazi and Sofia Matriani della Tempesta
Twenty-fifth Prince and Princess of the Summits
21 Jun AS XLIII/2008 – 13 Dec AS XLIII/2008
Succeeded by:
To Be Determined 13 Sept XLIII/2008

Gustav and Sofia

Royal Progress

An Tir West War, July 4-6, Gustav & Sofia

July Coronation, July 18-20, Gustav & Sofia

Tryggvy's War, July 25-27, Gustav only

Hocktide, July 26, Sofia only–day trip

Quad War, July 31-Aug 3, Sofia only

Briaroak Bash, Aug 1-3, Gustav only

Lebus, Aug 8-10, Gustav & Sofia

Harvest Tourney & Summits Archery Championship, Aug 16, Sofia only

Long & Short of It, Aug 22-24, Gustav & Sofia

Sept Crown, Aug 29-Sept 1, Gustav & Sofia

Acorn War, Sept 5-7, Gustav (& Sofia- tentative)

Fall Coronet, Sept 19-21, Gustav & Sofia

Samhain, Sept 25, Gustav- day trip? & Sofia

Administrative Retreat, Oct 17-20, Sofia only

Crown Council, Nov 7-9, Gustav only

Frostbite, Nov 8, Sofia only

11th Night- Winter Investiture, Dec 12-14, Gustav & Sofia


Lead Positions

Advisors, Ladies-in-Waiting, Guards

Court Reports

June Investiture - First Court of Gustav and Sofia

  • waiting for report - no awards given
  • Abu Nur Rustam Ibn Abdallah was sworn in as Summits Defender


Know all of these tidings at Hocktide, at the court of Her Highness Sofia, the following took place:

These awards from the reign of Berek and Liesel (all from the 21st of June) were granted in Her Highnesses Court:

Lord Grimarr Eindrioi, Called Aarrgg (Glyn Dwfn) - Martial Grail Aiden (Glyn Dwfn) - Award of Arms Baron Eirik Hardradi (Glyn Dwfn) - Martial Grail

In addition, Her Highness conducted the following business:

Narcisse Riom Captier (Glyn Dwfn) was called into court and was awarded an Award of Arms. A joyous noise was made by all.

Sir Ambrose Mavrorthakis was called into court and invested as Defender of Glyn Dwfn. Again a joyous noise rang out.

Her Highness Sofia then presented an original member of our populace, a founder of Myrtleholt, Lady Alexis of Braenmist, with a personal token of thanks and introduced her to the populace.

Thus ended the Court of Her Highness Sofia.

After court, the Honorable Lord Thorfinn Thorbjornson and Lady Tatiana Tyrell'sdottir publicly proclaimed their honor, love and support and were joined in Marriage.

Three cheers for all these worthies!

Briaroak Bash

Greetings All!

These are the tidings from Briaroak Bash, on the weekend of August 1st through 3rd, A.S. 43.

A Buy a Life Tourney was held, to raise money for the Grimmarr Medical-expense fund. Several "games" were also held to support the fund. Lord Grimmulf Harthfari won the tournament with the most lives, at 17. His Highness Gustav won for most ribbons bought (by him or on his behalf). The two winners each recieved a prize of a handmade weapon from the shire of Briaroak. The grand total of money raised for Grimmarr was approx. $282.

There was a tournament to pick the new defender of Briaroak; the three semi-finalists in the tourney were Viscount Kathal Blauraga, Lord Grimmulf Harthfari, and Viscount William Geoffrey the Rogue who competed in an armored footrace. Kathal Blauraga then bested Grimmulf in the final bout of fighting, and was invested as the new Defender of Briaroak by the outgoing defender, Cian Brutus'syn.

At the court of His Highness Gustav, His Highness conducted the following business.

His Highness called forth anyone for whom it was their first event, and greeted them. His Highness asked everyone present to make them feel welcome, and to treat the newcomers better than they would Their Prince, as they are the future of our Society.

His Highness bestowed the following awards:

Herodocles (Adiantum)- Award of Arms

Ryska (Briaroak) - Award of Arms

The autocrats, Cian and Ryska, conducted business. They presented His Highness with several baskets of Largesse from the people of Briaroak, for Their Highnesses to distribute during their travels. His Highness was also presented with two special necklaces made by Amie Dudley, for himself and for Her Highness Sofia to wear.

His Highness Gustav & Their Excellencies Tadgh & Morrghan of Adiantum each presented the autocrats with baskets of gifties and their thank-you's for putting on the Bash.

Sir Beringar made an announcement about the upcoming event that he is autocratting, Lebus VIII, which is the weekend of Aug 8-10, at North Albany Park.

After the end of court, various members of the shire of Briaroak were given different tokens of recognition for their hard work by the shire, including the Zeal award.

Three cheers for all these worthies!

And many thanks to His Excellency Tadhg of Adiantum for heralding court (with a sinus headache no less!)


At Lebus IIX, held in the shire of Coeur du Val, on August 9th, A.S. 43, Their Highnesses Gustav & Sofia conducted the following business:

An Award of Arms was presented to Elizabeth of the Freehold

An Award of Arms was presented to Drusilla

An Award of Arms was announced in court, but will be presented in person at a later time

A Martial Grail was presented to Kyrus Grimm

A Service Grail was presented to Bjorki Shieldsbane

Gifts were exchanged with the Barons & Baronesses of Terra Pomaria & Adiantum

A Friendship Grail/Gryphon's Favor was bestowed on Goran ovden Rimboe

Harvest Tourney & Summits Archery Championship

At Harvest Tourney & Summits Archery Championship, held in the shire of Corvaria, on August 16th, A.S. 43, His Highness Gustav conducted the following business:

His Excellency Gawin of Kevelioc was installed as the new Captain of Eagles, due to his victory in the Summits Archery Championship, and the outgoing Capt of Eagles Tyrell Figenbaum was thanked for his service

An Award of Arms was presented to Keith the Wanderer

An Award of Arms was presented to Olivia Magdalena

An Award of Arms was presented to Johanna Kjoppmanndtr

His Highness made an announcement about the weapons style of Coronet Tourney

The Order of the Far Voyager was bestowed upon Clan Tyrson: Tryggr Tyrson, Temperance, Thyra Tryggrsdottir Tyrson, and Tryggrson Tyrson.

Gifts were exchanged with the event steward, Duana Traherne, and the winners of the various tournaments of Corvaria were announced and installed: Brogan O'Bryant is the new heavy champion of Corvaria, Tryggr is the new archery champion, Tryggrson is the new junior archery champion. Olivia Magdalena and Carrick O'Ryan were presented with Raven's Friends.

The Kingdom Bardic Champion, Ferin Darkmountain, ran the bardic tournament for Corvaria, and made several presentations of his tokens to the competitors. In court, Ferin announced the winner of the first Bardic championship of Corvaria, Thyra Tryggrsdottir Tyrson.

His Excellency Gawin of Kevelioc donated several handmade bows as prizes to the winners of the Grimmar archery tournament, which was held after court.

Long & Short of It

Here are the tidings from Long & Short of It, held by the barony of Terra Pomaria on August 22-24th, AS 43.

Their Highnesses of the Summits, Gustav & Sofia, conducted court on August 23rd, and carried out the following business:

They presented a martial grail to Cian Brutus'syn, which had been awarded to him by Prinz Berek & Prinzessin Liesel, on June 21st, AS 43.

Their Highnesses bestowed an Award of Arms upon Lafe Greenwall

Their Highnesses bestowed an Award of Arms upon Reuben McGill

Their Highnesses bestowed an Award of Arms upon Sabastian De Winter

Baron Roland and Baroness Emma of Terra Pomaria then conducted the business of their barony, including the installation of a number of new defenders.

Fall Coronet

On the 20th of September, A.S.43, under the watchful eye of our Gracious Queen Wrenn An Tir, The Honorable Lord Brian of Ledbury, fighting for the honor of Acacia Gryffyn, was victorious over Johannes von Langental, inspired by Nymeria von Langental. Optia Vesta Antonia Aurelia, inspired by her Father, the Honorable Lord Raffe o Donhalbain, was third.

Grimulf Harthfari was chosen to carry the Shield of Chivalry, and is now entered into the Order of the Shield of the Summits.

The following Business was conducted by Their Alpine Highnesses, Gustav and Sofia, the 20th day of September, A.S. 43:

Johannes von Langental (Three Mountains) Gryphon's Sword Nymeria von Langental (Three Mountains) Order of the Truehearted Eilaf Spialbodhason Award of Arms Aelfwyn the Vexed Award of Arms Brogan O'Bryant the Bull (Corvaria) Grail of the Summits (Martial) Juliana van Aardenburg (Terra Pomeria) Grail of the Summits (Service) Carrick O'Ryan Award of Arms

In addition, Her Highness granted personal gifts of thanks, with small tokens of her esteem and scrolls to remember them by, to HL Stephen the Merchant and Vicomtesse Duana Traherne.

The winners of the Subtelty Contest: Kids award: Vicountess Mathilde Majesties Choice: Catarina Her Highness' choice: Merowyn Flight of Fancy: Vicomtesse Duana

The Winners of the Style Tournament: Martial Skill: Optia Vesta Carnage: Uillam Performance/Showmanship: Sir Octamasades Best of Show/Overall: HL Thorfinn

Large amounts of gifts and largesse were shared amongst the Crowns and event staff present.



11th Night- Winter Investiture

Notable Accomplishments


Personal Memories of the Reign