Myrranda Dimici

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Lady Myrranda at Tir Righ September Coronet 2005

Myrranda had gone to a local gym to work out. After using the rowing machine she proceeded to the leg press station. She sat down, then got up, and passed out. She had a seizure.

They tried to revive her at the scene, but were unsuccessful. They worked on her in the ambulance, and at the Victoria General Hospital. She died around 6:15 pm, October 29.

There will be a memorial service for Colleen Mah (Myrranda Dimici) this Saturday, November 3, 2007 in Victoria, BC.

She will be greatly missed.

Mistress Lenora di Calizzan


Branch: Seagirt

Award of Arms - Mar 21 AS 32 / 1998
Seagull (Seagirt) - Dec 12 AS 33 / 1998
Silent Harp (Seagirt) - Mar 22 AS 37 / 2003
Sergeant (Seagirt) - Jul 23 AS 40 / 2005 |


(Please enter your memories here. Don't forget to include your name followed by four dashes ----)

It is with great sadness that we hear the news this night of a passing of a dear friend. Our hearts go out to Colleen's friends and family at this time of sadness.

I have spoken to the Dance mistress this night and dance practice this week is cancelled although she will be there for any who show up or are not on the Rocks. And if you simply want to talk to someone you could do that.

As the drill shed is closed we will also cancel fighting practice.

I will leave the status of A&S up to those hosting it.

The Baronial Social, pending any other schedulling, will be open Friday for anyone who wants to simply come and talk or just hang out and be with someone.

Cherish each other. Today is a day of great sadness. Tomorrow, or the next day, we will, somehow, find the strength to carry on.

James and Glynis Baron and Baroness of Seagirt

I'll miss her. The world has lost a sparkling star.

Halima, who will now hug every friend, just in case...

To all those who knew her well you have John and my deepest sympathy.

John and Emma

Arts and Sciences night will be open at the usual time but Her Excellency's book class is cancelled and will be rescheduled for next week.

This venue will adopt a similar stance as Dance and will be open and supportive of the members of Seagirt and friends of Myrannda wishing to share during this loss.

Morgaine and Hucbald wish to express our deepest sympathy and saddness at this loss.

My heart goes out to everybody. I fwded the msg to Wulfgar to and I'm quite sure he will be shocked and be sending his deepest sympathies.

Alezzandra, Wulfgar, Camryn and Devin.

from Cathal Sean

I am shocked, saddened and feel very small, that someone so dear to me for such a long time should be taken so early in life.

My heart, to everyone.


Speaking as a friend and from her household, she will be missed greatly.

The field will be different without our warrior sister. May she dance in the stars ever graceful as she danced on earth.

It is difficult to impart words, but the words of everyone else seems to reflect the adoration we all had for her.

She was a great confidant and she and I had many great conversations over the years—I will miss our frequent chats, discussions, and daily affirmations. She was truly a gem that had so much to give to everyone.

From our household to her real family, I extend our hand out and condolences out to them. She was our family as well and our gatherings will feel her absence.

Her tree from our household was the Cypress Bonsai which always represented her well. A tree that is a giant in the forest, and she was just that. Her personality was one that towered the rest of us even though her stature wasn't. Every time I look at a Bonsai, I will think of our sweet Myrranda.

I miss you sister but I will always think of you when I look to the stars...


Although I hardly knew Colleen/Myrranda I did see her about Seagirt and she always seemed happy. My fondest memory will be when she would let my children beat on her in armor. She and they smiled widely. She was a good soul and it showed in her involvement and kindness towards others.


Memorial for Colleen Mah

10am Saturday November 3rd. McCall Bros. 1400 Vancouver St. Victoria.

This will be a celebration of Colleen Joy Mah's life and shared memories of her remarkable life. Please come with pictures, memories and bling.

Free parking across the sight in the Johnson St. parking lot.

Colleen would not want folks to mourn her, but to cherish her memory and keep her in their thoughts. Let's all remember her energy, love and joy together with her family to show them how much she will be missed.


Thank you for posting this to the Hartwood e-list Scathach. I turned on the computer just now and saw the news. I admit to being in shock right now. I appreciate you keeping everyone in the loop as many just get news from here and aren't on the rocks.

In Sadness, Maria

Thank you ever so much for the info.

Well, at least it was quick, and she was doing something she enjoyed. She's the only person who was ever able to talk me into an ongoing exercise program, her enthusiasm was pretty contagious.

How strange that I experienced a strange and unusually intense headache around 6:30 that evening.

Thanks again.


I just found out that someone close to me has died.

People, everyone! Hug those close to you. Tell them how you feel. Talk. Write letters. Go out for tea or just pick up the damn phone.

Don't let yourself sit there and think about all the missed chances, the lost opportunities, the date syou missed or the quiet time never shared.

Do it now.

I've had far too many missed moments. I've tried to not have too many, but there are always some.


My Forever Star

Colleen Joy Mah passed away. It is with great sadness and pain I write these words. Her death was tragic and so very sudden. The details I have are as follows:

She had gone to Perks arena to workout. After using the rowing machine she proceeded to the leg press station. She sat down, then got up, and passed out. She had a seizure.

They tried to revive her @ the scene, but to no avail. From what I have been told by Dr.'s is that it was instant.

They further worked on her in the ambulance, and @ Victoria General.

She died around 6:15 pm.

I myself could not even belive it. The Dr. told me these things and I reacted angrily and with disbeilfe. IT was not untill I stayed with her that it started to sink in.

I stayed with her for 5 hours talking to her, she she wouldn't be alone. I did not want to leave her, but I had to, they needed to prep her for the corenor.

I can't think straight. My eyes hurt. I don't understand whaqt's going on. I've known her for so long, but only recently have we been together romanticly.

We were together for just over a year now. The best year I have ever lived. I will continue to love her forever.

She is my Forever Star.


I now know what it means to be shocked to the core of my being, and why folks say "I can't believe it" when something bad happens right in front of them. I know what it feels like to have your world turned upside down.

Yesterday; Monday, October 29th, at about 5:30 pm, Colleen Joy Mah, was struck down suddenly while doing something she loved. I saw no pain, or fear in her face, there was no suffering and for that I am deeply thankful.

Colleen loved to laugh, dance, travel, watch movies, make love, be with friends, and she really loved to put her heart and soul into everything she did, be it workers rights, or having a house party. We shared many happy hours in Hawaii and Disney World, caught up in her zest for adventure.

I was lucky to be her friend for nearly ten years, and though we drifted apart, I never felt any anger or hatred from her about our relationship, only a need to go onward with her life and to still be friends.

I know many folks are asking 'why'? Right now I cannot give answer to this, and must wait to find out what medical science can tell us, though I doubt that it will ever satisfy me.



You finally found things to be boundless in your joy with. I am happy you were loving every day. I am so happy I got to dance with you at Sealion and talk with you for a while and lean my head on your knee while sitting around the bardic fire. You always were one of the best reasons to visit Seagirt. I have always held you as one of my fave dancers to watch and I thank you for all the fun words we shared and times we had in each other's company.

I shall go home and watch the recordings I have of you performing tonight. You were robbed I say. We were robbed. You told me we should dance together on the beach with silk veils. I laughed. Maybe I will paint a silk veil now.

Every zill ringing out will have an echo of your laughter...


I met Colleen, myrrmrr, in 1984.

She was on what became my sister floor in residence at UVic. I was in first floor Sir Arthur Currie Hall and she was on second floor of Emily Carr Hall, in the Craigdarroch Residences.

She had became friends with my highschool classmate, Debbie, who was on her floor (or in her building...) and that's how we sort of met. Debbie was the girl that got paid quarters by my classmates in grade six to beat me up. (I only defended myself and I still got grounded for fighting with a girl.)

It wasn't until second year that I really started seeing Colleen on my radar. She remained in EC Hall and my girlfriend at the time, Cheralee, was on her floor for her first year. I was off in Gordon Head Residences and the away on a CO-OP work term for the second semester. Even then, interaction was meeting her at parties and floor activities and stuff... She was that crazy second year psyche major down the hall. I do remember that she took Cheralee and I and a few others out to Koto Japanese restaurant at the foot of Fort Street and it was there that I began my life-long love of sushi and tempura.

We lost touch for a few years but she was still friends (sort of) with Cheralee whom I was on-again-off-again. And when I left Cheralee and moved in with Dawn-Shannon (who would become my first wife), Colleen and her boyfriend, Grant, and it seemed a third, Jennifer, lived in the same building complex. I say "it seemed a third" because I never saw Grant and Colleen without Jennifer... Which, incidentally, was the apartment right above (or was it below?) cero_amicos's place at the time.

Somehow, Dawn-Shannon and I ended up with Dino, the red-earred slider turtle that Colleen had raised from a hatchling in her residence rooms. And that's a whole other bunch of stories about turtles and aquaria and turtle-releasing parties that I'll leave for another day. (Remember, folks, put the rocks in to the aquarium first and then put the gravel in. Turtles will dig...)

Well, one thing lead to another and somewhere in 1993 I finally talked Colleen, Grant and Jennifer into coming to an SCA event. Remember "Black Daffodil"? Ya, I think that was her first event... Strangely it was a lot of other people's first event that have been Seagirtians since that time. I remember a road trip to "Council of Crowns" with Colleen and Jennifer.

And I remember teaching Colleen fencing... and how I had to constantly tell her that fencing was a game of "touch". After the fencers took to calling her Brute after one particularly bruising Clinton War, I and others told her that perhaps she should try something that would use her intense energy more. And that was when she took up armoured combat.

It was in her apartment on McKenzie that Blackstar Company met before practice, it was there that we chose our name and selected our code and officers. Myrranda was one of the few old enough in the room to remember the "Captain Blackstar" animated series from which we took our name. And since then, well most of you know the stories...

David / Mathieu

I was told this morning that an old friend of mine had passed away. I was and am still completely shocked. I cried pretty good and hard this morning and I've had tears in my eyes off and on all day.

Myrranda was a real buddy in that "comfortable old pal" kind of way. We chatted occasionally, but when we saw each other (usually at SCA events), it was like time hadn't passed at all. We'd pick our friendship up right where we'd left off the last time. Now she's moved on and I wanted to put some happy thoughts on here.

The first time I met Myrranda was at Hartwood's Birthday Bash. I was the only light javelineer in a sea of heavies. I was made to switch sides after every fight so neither side got the benefit of well-placed javelins too often. ;-D

Anyway, Myrranda killed my last heavy and started chasing me down to kill me. Myrranda was scary when running after you at full speed with a katana. Trust me. :-) But I wasn't going easily so I ran away and jumped through the crotch of a tree. It was about 4 feet off the ground but I jumped it and kept going.

I heard "HEY!" from behind me so I stopped and looked back. Myrranda was stopped on the far side of the tree and was looking at me. The only thing I could really see was her head and the branches on either side.

She said, "Did you just jump through this tree??". "Well, yeah,", I yelled back. Her reply? "COOL!" Later that night, we drank and told "no-shit-there-I-was" stories and became friends. That never changed.

The last time I saw her was just the same. I drummed and she danced and afterwards, we told our stories and had a wonderful time.

Finn Mac Lir

She was, above all, my inspiration. On my first event (Sealion 2006), I had been sitting on the fence about heavy fighting, unsure I would be able to go out there. I saw her out there on the battlefield, confident and competent and it made me realize I COULD fight heavy if I would just get out there. Later that same event, I saw her dance. I remember the night vividly; velvet sky, bright stars, the sound of was so mystical to me, it filled me with wonder. The pure joy of expression through her dance moved me so much I joined her dance class to find and express that within myself. She was always very vibrant, full of humour and mischeviousness. I have pictures from my first event with her in them, before I even knew who she was, because it was so freakin' cool just to be a bystander.



I met you in the SCA, and still call you Myrranda. I remember sitting around the Tree House fire laughing and chatting. It was you who taught me to Dance, and was always able to make me laugh. I will miss your sunny personality and our jokes during Dance. I will dance on in your memory; knowing that you dance now wherever you have gone.

Alyssa Bell

Myrranda was a special kind of friend. Always happy, always looking on the bright side, never giving up. I am proud to be her friend forever. Colleen has been the spark the tinder needs in many a situation. It is so difficult to write words when the thoughts comprised cannot be drawn in words. Even a powerful word loses it meaning when put up to the task of describing how everyone was touched and looked forward to her at events in the SCA. How she smiled with her dimples and always was cheery, always there, always will be missed. Colleen was like a Christmas stocking at an event, shiny, happy, and full of surprises. The emotions she can touch are like a young childs' face on Christmas day, and the energy cannot be tongued in word; only observed and those who knew her understand. I apologize for the injustice my words serve. She was not one in a million, she was one in one, for there will only ever be one Myrranda.

Allan Robbins

My friend is dead.

That’s the thought that made this real for me. Mark had phoned to give me the news. I was shocked and upset but it didn’t feel real yet. The next morning I was driving to work, thinking of Colleen and my memories of the times we shared and I suddenly thought:

My friend is dead.

I pulled to the side of the highway and cried my eyes out.

I met Colleen, or Myrranda as I always think of her, back in 1994. We were both new to adulthood, the SCA - hell, life in general. We hung out. We talked about everything we were trying to figure out. Love, life, sex, religion, philosophy – nothing didn’t get touched upon at one time or another. Eventually we drifted apart for a while, pulled by life and love, but we always seemed to drift back together and there were hugs, laughter and always her incredible smile. We would share our tales of the adventures we had gone on and, now that we were together, the adventures we would share. And what adventures they were.

I would like to think now that she has gone on another adventure and eventually, like always, we will drift together again. I will see that incredible smile again and we will share our tales. And once again, we will plan some new adventure to go on together. Until then, my friend, I’ll miss you


Myrranda gave me my SCA name. We were on the way to my first camping event in Society, a SeaLion War in the mountains near Chilliwack. (It snowed!) We were running through different names, and she came up with Lanora, which later got changed to Lenora. A few months later she called from work (Telus)... she had looked up a bunch of Italian last names and we finally settled on di Calizzan.

My whole SCA name is from her.

In my first year in the SCA, we went to an event in Hartwood that was in Meredith and Ulric's back yard.

I cut my finger badly during the potluck, and Ulric had to take me to the emergency clinic for stitches. Myrranda came with us.

She came with me into the room, and while we waiting for the doctor she thoroughly investigated everything in the room - drawer, nook and cranny. She was particularly enchanted with the disposable gloves, and was making a balloon of one when the doctor came in. She quickly tried to hide it, but the movement loosened her grip on the glove and the air came out noisily. She made that shamefaced but unrepentent look that she got when caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. It was very funny.

Then she held my hand through the whole stitching procedure.

Lenora di Calizzan

/insert high pitched voice

/emote fingers and thumbs with zills on top of head

"Take me to your Leader"

No words can fill the void she will leave or the amount of joy making music for Belly Dancers she helped me achieve.


My first memories of Colleen were on the way home from a Bitterwater's Work weekend. We rode in someone's truck and the hilarity that ensued led me to write the song "It's Myrranda D'Imici Time" to the tune of "Ta rar a boom de ay"

It only ever had three permanent lines (one about only costing a dime) and the rest were improvised. Sang this to her over the course of more than a decade always making up new lines.

James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd

I know your not going to see this. But thank you for being a part of my life. I would not be the person I am now with out your support. I'll always love you.

friend forever

Dmitrii Ivanavitch

Oh honey... I missed you already. But at least I could look forward to seeing you again. Now what?

I want to say "keep dancing" but I've said that already. I want to say that you inspire me, but I've said that too. I want to say that I can't imagine being in Seagirt and not having you there. Is that selfish of me? We were never really close, but the time we spent together was awesome. You made me laugh. You made me dance. You made me fight harder. You made me want to be someone that you could be proud of. You also made me lighten up and not take myself so seriously. Thank you for all of that.

Nadezhdha Toranova

Myrranda has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.


I set myself a task, One all my skills beseech. How do you write a poem, That to the heavens reach.

How could I pen a verse Of just what it is she’s been, One that lets you see How she reveled in “The Dream”.

How she’s meant so much to many, And how she touched our very hearts. How often she held us steady, When we’d all but fell apart.

How could I paint a picture. That would leave no doubt, Of just how much, she’s brought to us, And of we, now left with out.

The task I set, I’m not worthy of, For my pen, has not the skill. Perhaps its best, to just say. Colleen we love you still.


"And let that day be lost to us on which we did not dance once! And let that wisdom be false to us that brought no laughter with it!" - Thus Spake Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche, 1885.

Colleen/Myrranda was early among the people I met here in Victoria after joining the SCA in 1993. I remember esoteric discussions, intimate "girl talk" that grossed the guys out but made us giggle like little fiends, playing recorder with her in the original Seagirt Dance music group, and that no matter how long it had been or what mood she or anyone else was in, how she always brought strength and laughter to the room.

And the picture of her dancing under the full moon at SST "because the moon and stars were too beautiful and [she] couldn't stop herself", slowly being joined by other dancers and drummers and being aware yet still totally in her own... place... It was beautiful and awe-inspiring and a moment I'll carry with me always, grateful for being priviledged to have shared in it.

Thank you for being with us Myrr. and wherever you are, keep dancing! Because when I see the stars twinkling while we're at a bardic fire, I'll always be convinced that one of them is you, dancing in the heavens... - Cecille de Beumund, aka. Jenn.