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; Date : September 09-12, 2005
; Date : September 09-12, XL/2005
; Branch : [[Blatha an Oir]]
; Branch : [[Blatha an Oir]]
; Autocrat : HL [[Eoin Piers]]
; Autocrat : HL [[Eoin Piers]]

Revision as of 15:47, 6 August 2015

September 09-12, XL/2005
Blatha an Oir
HL Eoin Piers
Lord Andrew McClaine, Isabelle
Riverglen campground, Orting, WA
Annual Event
Autumn War
The year is 886. A fierce horde of Norsemen have sailed up the Seine River, and are laying siege to the city of Paris. Join the Barony of Blatha An Oir as we attempt to recreate the defense of this city against the "raven-ous" horde of warriors from the the Barony of Stromgard. We will have heavy and mixed force battles (including archers and seige weapons) in castle and bridge battles. We also do a "time jump" to allow for rapier duels. Arts and Sciences competitions abound! We are currently in contact with Universtiy of Ithra for possible course offerings. And, since this is Autumn War, we will have the Coursing of the Hounds!
The event is being held at the Riverglenn Farms, the traditional Autumn War site for many years. The current site owner has been working hard to improve existing facilities, and expanding the amount of usable parking and camping areas (he has opened up an additional 10 acres in the last 2 months alone!). In other words, we have LOTS of space!!!
Friday, Sep 9th
9 AM Gate open for Merchants
1 PM Gate open for Populace
6 PM Marshal’s Class (Baronial Pavilion)
8 PM Fighter authorization/re-authorization for new fighters or those with expired fighter cards (Baronial Pavilion)
9 PM Torchlight Rapier Tourney hosted by Clan Carn (Clan Carn camp)
11 PM Quiet Hours (no drumming or loud gatherings)
Saturday, Sep 10th
8 AM Wake up (heralded)
9 AM Ithra Classes begin
College of Pages activities begin
9:30 AM Marshal’s’ meeting (war field)
10 AM Opening Court
- Armor inspection following court (all) (rapier fighters on rapier eric, heavy fighters on war field)
- Archery/thrown weapons range open (see board for schedule)
11 AM WAR!!!!!!
- Frederich Wilhelm von Falkenberg Memorial Rapier Tourney (rapier eric)
- Iron Needle begins
- Pied Piper opens
1 PM Rapier Melee (rapier eric) (time approximate following Memorial Tourney)
2 PM Siege cooking (location TBA)
- Brewing contest opens (brewed, vented, and non-alcoholic) (drop off in Autocrat’s camp)
5 PM Pied Piper closes
5:30 PM Fighting ends (all)
6 PM Ithra classes end
- College of Pages events end
6:30 PM PIG ROAST!!!! Potluck feast on the eric
- Archery/thrown weapons range closed
7 PM Court (Baronial & Royal)
- evening activities following court (TBA)
- Children/youth equestrian class (war field)
9 PM Teen gathering (12-18 year olds) (covered picnic area)
11 PM Quiet hours (no drumming/loud gatherings)
Sunday, Sep 11th
8 AM Wake up (heralded)
8:46 AM Moment of silence/remembrance (start and end will be heralded)
9 AM Archery/thrown weapons range opens
- College of Pages starts
9:30 AM Marshal’s’ meeting (war field)
10 AM Armor inspection for 5-Man War (war field center)
- Armor inspection for rapier fighters (rapier eric)
- Kubb Tourney sponsored by Clan Carn (end of warfield)
10:30 AM Cadet’s Invitational Rapier Tournament
11 AM Hati Longtooth Woodworking Competition (location TBA)
- Coursing of the Hounds (location TBA)
12 PM Griffin’s Heart (Children’s Champion) Tournament (covered picnic area)
- Rogue’s Rapier Tournament (rapier eric)
2 PM College of Pages closed
2:30 PM All fighting, classes, and contests end
3 PM Closing Court
5:30 PM Picnic shelter closed
7 PM Archery/thrown weapons range closed (may close earlier per archery marshal)
11 PM Quiet hours (no drumming or loud gatherings)
Monday, Sep 12th
5 PM Site closed. Everyone should be packed up and off site at this time. Gates will be locked from the outside.
Autumn War Contests
FWVF Memorial Tourney
Hati Longtooth Woodworking
Iron Needle
Siege Cooking
Others as Announced

WAR POINTS (total allocation per event)
4 = War (1-winner (team), 1-most chivalric fighter, 1-war archery, 1-marshal’s choice)
1 = 5-Man War
4 = Rapier (1-melee winner (team), 1-most chivalric, 1-Cadet’s tourney winner,
1- marshal’s choice)
1 = FWVF Memorial Tourney winner
1 = Iron Needle
1 = Siege cooking
3 = brewing contest ( 1-brewed beverage, 1-vinted beverage (includes mead),
1 - Non-alcoholic)
2 = Archery (1-target, 1-marshal’s choice)
1 = Children’s archery
1 = Thrown weapons
1 = Children
1 = Pages
1 = Hati Longtooth Woodworking winner
1 = Volunteer (see below)
2 = Baroness’ Choice (1 for each Baroness to be given as she pleases)
1 = Autocrat’s choice
    • In case of a tie, the Baron’s will face each other in court in a game of chess**

Court Report

Event Highlights


(Links to event pictures off-site)


Personal Memories

(After the event, attendees are welcome to add their personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

I certainly remember watching the rapier tourney in camp, and co-running the Kubb tourney. --Michelino di Gino Martini 22:46, 6 August 2015 (UTC)