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It is a tribute both to Julian's memory, and to your skill as a writer, that
not only are my tears flowing, but I reached for my cup so I could be a part
of the toasts, and also to add my own.
"To Master Julian, who once was a Yeoman and Serjeant of Blatha An Oir, and
inspired both my lord Gwalchgyn and I to attempt the trials and ultimately
become members of the Serjeantry.
Melusine de Argent, OL<br>
1st Courtier of Blatha An Oir, Emeritus


Revision as of 23:23, 19 June 2006

Founding Baron of Aquaterra - elevated to Baronial status at September Crown Tourney A.S. XXXI.


Highest Current Award: Laurel

Current/Last Known Branch: Aquaterra

Award of Arms Jan 11 AS 20 / 1986

Archery Champion (Blatha An Oir) June 28 AS 22 / 1987 through June 26 AS 23 / 1988

Archery Champion (Blatha An Oir) June 18 AS 24 / 1989 through June 17 AS 25 / 1990

Sergeant (Blatha An Oir) July 29 AS 24 / 1989

Goutte de Sang Oct 21 AS 24 / 1989

Grey Goose Shaft July 21 AS 25 / 1990 Golden Blossom (Blatha An Oir) Dec 21 AS 26 / 1991

Jambe de Lion Jan 30 AS 27 / 1993

Laurel July 9 AS 30 / 1995

Forget-me-not July 20 AS 31 / 1996

Baron (Aquaterra) Sept 1 AS 31 / 1996 through Jan 25 AS 37 / 2003 Belated Rose July 16 AS 34 / 1999

Thrown Weapons Champion (Blatha An Oir) June 15 AS 37 / 2002 through June 28 AS 38 / 2003

Court Baron Jan 25 AS 37 / 2003

Archery Champion (Aquaterra) Mar 27 AS 39 / 2005 through Mar 26 AS 40 / 2006

10:27 AM 6/11/06

It is with great sadness that I tell you that Master Julian passed away last night. There will be a memorial for him at July Coronation on Saturday evening. Details to follow. Please remember him for his greatness as a person and a mentor to so many of us. Remember him best by teaching the ideals and truths he tried to live by in his everyday life because no better or lasting legacy would he wish.

Master Andras

This gentle has been added to the Scroll of Honor.


Please enter your memories of Master Julian.

11 June XLI/2006, 10:27am

It is with great sadness that I tell you that Master Julian passed away last night. There will be a memorial for him at July Coronation on Saturday evening. Details to follow. Please remember him for his greatness as a person and a mentor to so many of us. Remember him best by teaching the ideals and truths he tried to live by in his everyday life because no better or lasting legacy would he wish.

Master Andras

12 June XLI/2006, 12:41pm

Greetings, AnTir. At the request of Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors, I am providing some information about Master Julian's funeral and memorials.

Per Master Julian's request, his body was cremated. There will be no internment. A private memorial service will be held for family members. Baroness Arianne has asked that cards and letters be sent to her at the following address: [address removed for privacy]. In lieu of flowers, she asks that you make a donation to the charity of your choice. Emails are appreciated at [e-mail address removed for privacy] if that is a more convenient way to communicate.

Baroness Arianne and Baroness Rosamund invite all to join with the Barony of Aquaterra Saturday night at the tavern at Boar's Hunt (see Crier or Kingdom Events website) for a time of remembrance of the SCA life of Master Julian. All who wish to share a story are asked to gather at the tavern and tell those assembled some of the wonderful episodes of his life. For those of you who cannot make it but wish to have your say, please email your story to Her Excellency Rosamund, Baroness of Aquaterra, at [address removed for privacy]. All stories will be gathered and made into a scrap book for both Baroness Arianne and the Barony of Aquaterra.

Another memorial is being planned for July Coronation in Dragonslaire. This memorial will be in line with the wishes of Master Julian for a glorious send off. However, there are details to be approved and it is not yet time to announce the final plan for the memorial. When all the details are worked out an announcement will be sent to all the lists so that everyone may know how to participate. We appreciate your patience. There has been some stories floating around about what is planned. We ask that you wait for the official announcement, as spreading these stories confuses everyone and jeapordizes the real memorial effort.

Please send this to all appropriate lists. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at [address removed for privacy].

In Service,

Master Andras Truemark

11 June XLI/2006, 07:36pm

once upon a time a good man asked me if i would be his man at arms. i asked him why, as i was a little (okay, a lot) surprised by this.

he told me that i was a good man in a fight, and that he would feel safer knowing i had the watch.

this was the first time anyone had asked me to be anything in the sca, and i've tried my best.

sometimes all it takes is someone to believe in you.

thank you julian.

the tears are falling on my keyboard as i write this.

i am going to miss you my friend.

safe journey, and that light behind you is the candle in my window.


HL Sylverstone the Traveller
Cavalry Rider, in service to Lioness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland
Seneschal at large / Seneschal for life, County Duvall
Man at arms to Master Baron Julian Farnsworth of Falconmoors
Protege to Companion Aaron of The Black Mountains
Member of the Order of the Iron Chain

11 June XLI/2006

Greetings Unto the Lists,

Last night at around Midnight, Julian passed away at the hospital. He left peacefully, and without pain. Family has been here, helping Arianne. She is loved, and comforted.

An Tir, raise a glass and give a blessing to Master Julian Edward Farnsworth, as he moves on to the next Journey.

Give your hugs and love to Her Excellency, Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors, when you see her.

Arianne would like to express her deepest gratitude for family and friends who have loved and supported both herself and Julian during this time.

Written for Her Excellency this day,

HL Morag MacGregor

(A "Keeper" posting from the Cathedral Steps 14 Jun XLI/2006)


In the midst of a summer rain shower, a weary old monk rode slowly into the square of the Cathedral steps. His cowl raised and soaking wet as was the rest of his gear and his horse. With the rain sheeting down the monk reined in at the Prancing Yak’s stable and dismounted with apparent difficulty. Holding the reins, he walked his steed into the stable where the stable hands were standing dry and warm. “ Please rub him dry, curry and comb him. Oh and here is a little extra for grain..... and your trouble.” said the monk, handing the reins and a coin to the lead hand. “ I’ll be inside if I’m needed.” With that he removed saddlebags from his mount and slung them over his shoulder. Stepping back out into the yard, he squished his way to the main door, opened it and entered.

In the Common room the fireplace was cold as is the thrifty tavern keep’s habit in the warm months. Heading for the bar, he asked for a room and noted that he had not been here in so long a time that his table in the corner was occupied. On the wall by the fireplace there was a sign that read, “The An Tir Scroll of Honor began here.” The monk sighed and followed the barkeep up the stairs to the rooms above the common room.

Thirty minutes later, the monk descended the stairs wearing a dry robe and with a script hanging from his shoulder. Looking around, he saw that his table was now empty, clean and a tall mug was sitting there awaiting him. The fireplace now had a crackling fire burning, casting warmth into the room. A small grimace of appreciation flashed on his sombre face as he made his way across the room to sit once again where so many of his friends ribbon’s had been added to the Scroll of Honor. The list of those who had passed on before was lengthy and as many of the folk thereon were long time friends. Placing the script on the table and withdrawing from its depths a black ribbon, ink of silver hue, penknife and quill He prepared the quill, dipped into the ink and wrote upon the ribbon. That done, he sat and stared at the ribbon for a time, lost in memories brought on by the name he had just inscribed.

As he pondered, the common room was filling quietly with the denizens of the steps and surrounding area. Sounds of horses arriving could be faintly heard from the courtyard and the odour of wet wool filled the room. Through out the growing crowd could be seen the circlets of nobility as well as Peers of all the Orders. Ex-Royalty was also present. No one approached the monk, but eyes were focused on him and even though all assembled had drinks in hand, there seemed to be little being imbibed. Low murmurs quietly filled the silence. And still more folk arrived. The spaces that had ringed the Nobility and Peers shrunk until all assembled here rubbed elbows together. Peasant, merchants and nobility mingled, seats were offered to Ladies as all waited for the monk to speak.

Looking up from his memories, the old monk gazed around the room and as his eyes swept the faces of old and new friends as well as strangers who would hopefully become future friends, the silence grew until all was silent. “ The Scroll of Honor is no longer here.” spoke the monk in a soft low voice, “But it still seems necessary for me to return here to remember both a good friend and a master of good will.” Clearing his throat, he continued. “ Julian Edward Farnsworth has passed from this vale of tears. He fought the good fight but succumbed to the disease. That his pain has ended is a blessing, but that we are bereft of his company is our sad loss. He was a man of great worth to our Kingdom. Landed Baron, Companion in the Order of the Laurel, Heavy fighter, Master Archer, the list goes on and on.

He was also my Master as I was his apprentice and proudly wore his badge and favour. I will miss him.”

The last of these spoken words were whispered with a break in the monks voice and tears in his eyes. Again clearing his throat he continued.

“I know that Julian and his Lady wife Arianne touched many lives and positively influenced all they touched. But I can only speak for me and mine. We first met Julian and Arianne at a small Lions Gate event many long years ago. Walking out of the campground there were these two really new people seemingly packing up to leave. As is our wont, we stopped and spoke with them. For two hours, or so it seemed, we talked.” The monk smiled at the memory. They had many questions and we gave them answers as best as we could. When next we met, both Julian and Arianne laughingly blamed us for being the ‘cause’ of all their involvement in our Kingdom. I wish they were right, for I can think of no greater compliment that to have been the “cause’ of such service as was done by Julian and Arianne.”

The tears run freely down the old monk’s face, but his voice is firm as he lists the achievements of his friend and Master.

“Mentor, example of chivalry, courtesy and honour, teacher, artist, artisan, warrior, Founding Baron of Aquaterra, compulsive service worker and a great man to drink beer and talk over the meaning of existence with. Julian was all of these and more. I have inscribed this ribbon with Julian’s name and will send it to the Ladies of Valorous Estate as soon as possible for addition to the Scroll of honour. A good man has gone on before and I can envision him seated with all his cronies in the Summerland’s meadows, shooting royal rounds, drinking their brew of choice and savouring existence without pain or the effects of old age.”

The monk pauses and wipes his face with the sleeve of his robe. Then looking around the packed common room, he asks Is there any who would add words of Julian’s memory here?

From the shadows steps a man in blue silk shirt, with Julian’s badge upon him. Speaking clearly he speaks with deep feeling.

“ I am Sylverstone the Traveler, Man at Arms to Julian.

Once upon a time a good man asked me if I would be his man at arms. I asked him why, as I was a little (okay, a lot) surprised by this.

He told me that I was a good man in a fight, and that he would feel safer knowing I had the watch. This was the first time anyone had asked me to be anything in the SCA, and I’ve tried my best. Sometimes all it takes is someone to believe in you.

Thank you Julian. I am going to miss you my friend.

Safe journey, and that light behind you is the candle in my window. “

With a sigh, the man in blue fades back into the shadows.

As he does so, a Norse Jarl stands forth to speak.

“I am Jarl Skeggi Hrafensfuri. I always considered Julian an icon of An Tir.

He has been fighting cancer for a while now. It was in remission but came back on him recently.

Never once have I seen Julian without a smile on his face.

Not once have I heard an ill word from his lips. He was always honourable and chivalric and a pleasure to be around. He was a teacher, a mentor and a good friend.

It was an honour to be in his presence and he will be missed.

So raise a glass, say a prayer, holler at Odin and celebrate Julian’s life!

I’m sure he is smiling now.”

Standing with his drinking horn raise high, the assembled host stands and lifts their drinks up high.

The Norseman cries “ODIN!!!” as each person gathered, according to his or her personal beliefs, joins the cry or stands silent. Then all drain their mugs.

The Monk, who had also drained his mug, waves to the barkeep. “ Fill them again please.” And standing waits as each mug is recharged.

“ Now, again lift your drinks in a toast to a Leader, a Friend, a Cousin, a Father and a Husband! A good man who was loved and valued highly!

May he find the fulfillment of all his hopes and dreams in the summer land of his faith.

To Julian Edward Farnsworth “

The room seems to explode with the sheer volume of the cry that fills the common room and the square outside.


Again mugs are drained. The monk returns to his table and carefully wraps the ribbon in a scrap of cloth, then repacks the script. Turning towards the door he says “I will return for the wake after I have said my office for Julian.”

Exiting the tavern, he puts up his cowl for the rain still is sheeting down.

Climbing the steps of the Cathedral he gets about three quarters of the way up when abruptly the rain stops and, piercing the clouds overhead, like an arrow winging it’s way to a target, a shaft of bright sunshine illuminates the Cathedral doors above. The monk sees this as a good portent and appreciates the warmth of the beam as he opens the doors and enters.

In the tavern there are the sounds of both tears and joy as Julian’s life is celebrated and the loss of his companionship is mourned by his extended family that fill the common room.

Aaron of the Black Mountains
Companion - OP
Brother at Office & Brother at Arms
Order of Hospitaliers of Saint John of Jerusalem.
Circa 1220 AD

Seated in a shadowed corner of the Yak, few people notice the silent woman seated there, quietly listening to the talk ebb and swirl around her; a tankard of mead resting before her on the dark wood table. Though few in the room might believe it, many has been the time that public words have not come easily to her. But at this time and place she can only hope that the words of her heart

She lifts her tankard in silent salute to the passing of a strong and gentle man who believed in An Tir, the SCA and it’s ideals. Who was many things to many people: Baron, Master; husband, Friend. And who stood by her in the early days of her Barony and held her honor as her Sergeant and Yeoman.

To Julian Edward Farnsworth. Be at peace, my friend.


It is a tribute both to Julian's memory, and to your skill as a writer, that not only are my tears flowing, but I reached for my cup so I could be a part of the toasts, and also to add my own.

"To Master Julian, who once was a Yeoman and Serjeant of Blatha An Oir, and inspired both my lord Gwalchgyn and I to attempt the trials and ultimately become members of the Serjeantry.

Melusine de Argent, OL
1st Courtier of Blatha An Oir, Emeritus