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The Torn Page
The Torn Page

Lord Conal MacNachtan
Lord [[Conal Mac Nachtan]]

June 10th, A.S. XXXIX
June 10th, A.S. XXXIX

Revision as of 08:43, 16 March 2007

Ashley of the Bears

mka: Ashley Falk


Within the common hall of the Prancing Yak, beams of sunlight stream through the un-shuttered windows illuminating the corners that firelight leaves in shadows. Dust motes dance in the sunlight and on one of the windowsills, a sleeping cat lies basking in the spring warmth that fills the Cathedral’s square.

A quiet Russian woman sits on a bench near the Town Square. She is watching all the young people romp and play, giggle and laugh. Taking a deep breath, she stands, looks toward the Tavern and, wiping a tear, moves to share the news.

Entering the Tavern, her eyes seek out Companion Aaron. She joins him at his table, and quietly offers him a black ribbon, inscribed with another name to be added to the Scroll of Honor.


At his table in the corner, the hospitalier looks at the black ribbon and the name printed in gold ink that adorns its sable surface.

Looking up at the Lady who has laid the ribbon before him he looses his smile and asks “Another who has gone on before? “

Kira nods “Yes“, as her eyes glisten with the tears that threaten to over flow. In the monk’s eyes appears a matching sheen.

“Ashley of the Bears“ reads the monk, and then remembering his manners he stands and pulls out a bench that the Lady might have a seat.

“Tell me of Ashley“ asks the monk, and then listens as the Lady’s tale unfolds.

Taking a deep breath Kira speaks.“ An Tir lost a part of her future, earlier this week. Ashley of the Bears, a young lady of 12 or thirteen summers, was taken from us by a tragic accident. While I did not know her well, Ashley made an impact on me when I met her.

Her quick smile, her eagerness to help and her sunny attitude made her one of the special ones. Ashley was initiated into the College of Pages in Three Mountains in August of last year. She was excited to be a part of it, and happily did all that was required.

I was pleased to recognize her at Sport of Kings, as being one of the water bearers with the most grace.

Ashley, may your spirit soar with the eagles.“

Throughout the tavern the usual mutter of voices has quieted and somehow the word that a black ribbon has been laid in front of the monk has spread throughout the square. For as Kira has spoken the common room has filled as more and more people have arrived.

By the door, a Lady with a Baronial circlet raises her voice to address the growing throng. “I am Baroness Kateline of Three Mountains, Ashley was one of our Barony’s Pages. I held her with much affection. Ashley is with the angels now. We will miss her.“

The Prancing Yak’s serving wenches are quietly handing all with in the room a cup that holds a rose colored fluid. At the bar the host is mixing water and wine to fill more cups. As the monk is handed one of the cups, he nods in approval for the fitness of the beverage. For watered wine and small beer is the drink of Ashley’s age group.

Others in the crowd stand forth and also praise the young lady for her demeanour and willingness to serve. It is announced that Ashley was training as a Chirurgeon’s helper and had aspersions to one day become a Chirurgeon herself.

As the voices become quiet and all that can be heard is the gentle sobs of mourning, the monk takes the ribbon to the Scroll of Honor and turns to face the room. Tears can be seen on his weathered face as he offers a toast to a life that was bright and joyful but far too short.

“To Ashley of the Bears! A child on the brink of adulthood, who gave of herself to serve her kin and her friends. Who brought smiles, caring and curiosity to all she touched. No better compliment can be offered to any person then that they were cherished and loved for who they were and the happiness they brought to all who knew them. May this young soul find the joy and pleasure in the summer land of her faith and may she have an eternity of wonderment!“

Aaron drinks his cup dry as the room echoes with the well wishes of all who had gathered.

The Torn Page

Lord Conal Mac Nachtan

June 10th, A.S. XXXIX

In Memory of Ashley Falk,

Known to her friend in the SCA as Ashley of the Bear

January 24, 1991 - May 31, 2004

Not so long ago, in the Kingdom of An Tir, the King looked up as one of his trusted advisors approached him with tearful eyes. "What is it, my trusted friend?" said the King. "What brings you here in such distress?"

"I have grievous news for you, your Majesty. Terrible news," said the Advisor. "A page has been torn from the Grete Book of An Tir."

The King sat silent for a time, and then told his advisor, "This is indeed sad news; the Page is lost to us then?"

"Gone. Torn away and never to be seen again. A great loss for the Kingdom your Majesty," came the reply.

"This is true. But is the knowledge truly lost? Does no one know what was written on that page?"

"Your Majesty, many knew the words of that page. You yourself have spoken of them in your court. The words of that page were written gently, in flowing letters. Though written quietly, they were heard by many, and often repeated - and spoken loud. They spoke of Service. They spoke of Honor. They spoke of learning and growing. They foretold of a great future for An Tir."

The King sat silent again, and bowed his head. He spoke again, with mournful words: "I know the page of which you speak. Know you that there were other words written upon this page, words written faint and not yet whole - They looked to be the words of an apprentice, or perhaps of a protégé. I could almost see the words of a Knight, or of a Laurel, perhaps of a Pelican. Maybe they were those of a Royal Peer. They spoke of deeds, of service and art. They spoke of duty, of caring, and giving. Faint they were, but perhaps among them I saw the words of a Lion of An Tir."

After a moment, the king spoke again: "This page is gone, and its passing will touch us all. Those faint words not yet fully formed upon it will never be completed. But does not the Grete Book of An Tir have many pages in it?"

The Kings advisor shook her head and said "Sadly, your Majesty, we have but few pages left. There are few to care for them, and all too often they are left untouched, and never written upon."

The King looked up, his course decided. "Then we must add new pages to the Grete Book of An Tir. We will find those to care for them, and to see that that which is written upon them speaks to all of the Greatness of the Kingdom of An Tir. The words of this torn page will not be lost to us!"

The Dean of the College of Pages looked up to the King with a smile and said, "I have here an application from a candidate, seeking admission into the College of Pages..."

This gentle's name has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.