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;Branch : College of [[Lyonsmarche]]<br>
;Branch : College of [[Lyonsmarche]]<br>
;[[Autocrat]] :  [[Petijean]]<br>
;[[Autocrat]] :  [[Petijean]]<br>
;Site : Boyer Park and Marina  1753 Granite Rd.  Almota, WA<br>
;Site : [[Boyer Park and Marina]] [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1753+Granite+Rd.+Almota,+WA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.421237,78.75&ie=UTF8&ll=46.692783,-117.453461&spn=0.660304,1.230469&z=10 1753 Granite Rd.  Almota, WA]

Revision as of 13:38, 23 January 2009

Honor War Main Page

April 19-21, 2002
College of Lyonsmarche
Boyer Park and Marina 1753 Granite Rd. Almota, WA


Court Report

Notes from Their Royal Majesties Court - Honor War

Greetings, noble cousins!

The following business occured in the Honor War court of Their Royal Majesties, Wilam and Siobhan, King and Queen of An Tir. This is compiled from my memory and handwritten notes by Her Excellency, Baroness Katya in Ruadhara.

It was a beautiful day, warm and dry. His Majesty Wilam processed into court which was held out of doors in a large circle. Seated on his right, looking glorious in red linen was ban-Iarla Daedan, Royal Patron of the hosting branch, and on his left sat Baron Brandt and Baroness Kelta of Wealdsmere.

His Majesty, noticing an empty place beside him, invited Jarl Ulfred Drommefjell and his lady, Lady Elfreda to join him.

His Majesty then bade his Herald, His Lordship Etienne, to call forth Janet Mac an Fleister who was recognized with an Award of Arms. Congratulations Lady Janet!

Anna Folcwolf was called to come kneel before King Wilam, and was admitted into the right noble Order of the Goutte de Sang! Huzzah for Her Ladyship!

Word of her deeds had reached the ears of Their Majesties, and Elaine de Parfonduval, A&S Champion of Wealdsmere, was called forward and recognized with a Jambe de Lion. Vivat for Her Ladyship!

At this point, ban-Iarla Daedin having business to conduct opened Patron's court. In the words of Baroness Katya:

Her Excellency, Daedin, called Petijean, autocrat for this weekend. He was thoroughly thanked. Petijean then made announcements for the event, including lost and found.

Lord Rikker from Artemesia was thanked for spending so much time at gate. William Marshall was thanked for setting up the archery field. Mistress Elaine Graybeard was thanked for being Marshal-in-Charge for the event. All waterbearers & marshalls were thanked.

ban-Iarla Daedan called forth Ossana of Signau who announced the new A&S champion. Reigning champion Freya returned the regalia to Ossana. Ossana then thanked Mistress Morgaina, HL Bebhinn and ban-Bheran Kelta for helping. The new A&S Champion, Lady Gisela, was brought forward and announced to all.

His Majesty then recognized Ossana with a well deserved Award of Arms with Her Excellency, Daedin acting as herald.

ban-Iarla Daedin then called forth Weasal, who brought the "Lentil Helm". This was given to Freya, the head of the waterbearers today. She then tried it on the amusement of all.

Weasal gifted henna to His Majesty to be given to Her Majesty, and also some to Their Excellencies Daedin and Kelta. His Majesty was gifted with wild rice from the Shire of Pendale as well as coins minted within the Shire.

Squire Hrothgar was called forth and announced as the victor in the day's Champions Tourney for Lyonsmarche. As he is Artemisian, his Knight was called forth. His Majesty asked what his knight would want in order to have Hrothgar as Champion. After promising to protect Lyonsmarche, he was invested as the new champion. (16 fighters participated in this champions tournament.)

ban-Iarla Daedin and Lyonsmarche presented his Majesty with their yearly tithe of 10 pounds of lentils, from the "the Lentil Capital of the Known World". He was also gifted with Morgaina pottery and other items.

Thus ended Patron's court and Royal Court resumed.

His Majesty's herald called Catherine Folcswulf to come and kneel. His Majesty recognize the deeds and great service of Catherine by admitting her to the Order of the Goutte de Sang.

Jarl Ulfred addressed the populace about an event coming up this summer in the Barony of Three Mountains - Sport of Kings:Academy of Armored Combat.

Time for another award as Lars Ragnarson received recognition and admittance int the Order of the Goutte de Sang from the hand of His Majesty.

His Majesty chose this time to address the populace.

He called forth all the Artemisians who had come to play. He thanked them all for coming and participating. He gave them each a reign coin. Three cheers for Artemisia. I'm sure they will remember the glory and generosity of An Tir!

He then called forth Baroness Katya and presented her with gifts in gratitude for spending the majority of the day translating each of the scrolls from runes into a English so the award recipients could know what their scrolls said.

He Majesty thanked Petijean, the autocrat, and gifted him for his hard work. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Olaf the Large was called into court and granted an Award of Arms. Huzzah for Lord Olaf! Well deserved!

One last gentle was recognized with a Goutte de Sang - Wil Mac an Fleister! Congratulations for His Lordship Wil!

Baron Brandt invited all to Celtic Revolt held Memorial Day weekend the Canton of Silverheart.

There being no further business, the populace was asked to raise their voices!

Long live King Wilam Long live Queen Siobhan Three cheers for the Shire of Lyonsmarche! An Tir! An Tir! An Tir! A joyous noise!

Public Service Announcements:

If you are planning a feast and expect Their Royal Majesties in attendence, be aware the Her Majesty, Queen Siobhan, doesn't eat mammals, and His Majesty, King Wilam, doesn't eat shellfish.

His Majesty's name is spelled "Wilam", but pronounced as "William". Her Majesty's name is spelled "Siobhan" and pronounced "ShuhVAHN".


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

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