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I chose the descriptor as a fun bit.  First, there are actually a fair number of Ladies using Sadh and Sadhbh in the SCA.  So to differentiate is proper Irish tradition.  Using hair or size or complexion was the norm, and thus Bheag seemed appropriate.  It means wee or small, diminutive.  After being used as the crenel in the shield wall a number of times for the pikemen to poke over, I felt this was as good a descriptor as any and more provable than many.  I mean, I'm only 5'2"
I chose the descriptor as a fun bit.  First, there are actually a fair number of Ladies using Sadh and Sadhbh in the SCA.  So to differentiate is proper Irish tradition.  Using hair or size or complexion was the norm, and thus Bheag seemed appropriate.  It means wee or small, diminutive.  After being used as the crenel in the shield wall a number of times for the pikemen to poke over, I felt this was as good a descriptor as any and more provable than many.  I mean, I'm only 5'2"
==Story Time==
Oh the year was 1986 (oh I wish I was back there now!)
I was a Junior Camp Counsellor to a Cub Scout camp for the summer and our theme that year was Robin Hood!  Us Rangers and Venturers camped in our tents off the side while our Cubs had the cabins in the South of Langley (soon to be known by me to be deep in the Heart of the An Tir Jungle! Known as the Barony of Lions Gate.)  At the end of one week of games and outdoorsy fun of calling coyotes and deer, learning knots, playing capture the Leader as well as the Flag, some Robin Hoody costumed folk arrived on the Friday to demonstrate their archery prowess and show off their gowns and armour!  It was fantastic!  The next day, being freed from my responsibilities as parents came to get their cublings, I wandered out over the campgrounds and through some hedges.  I was stopped short as I felt I'd somehow gone through a time rift!  Before me were pavillions, Ladies in gowns fantastical, Lords in shiny armour!  I stepped back through the hedges and most certainly heard the traffic and the kids shouting.  Back through the hedges, I felt I must have found another way to Narnia!  What was all this?  The Lady Ardelis, I recognized as one of yesterday's archers, stepped up to me and asked me if I wished to come see their "Harvest Fest".  Why, yes! Of course! as I wandered behind her with my eyes wide in wonder!  Soon I was dressed in the same fantastical dresses by Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland and Countess Melissa, and greeted by lords on their knee to wish me a good day with a kiss to my hand.  I was stunned to silence as I blushed in my teen youth!  I played games such as Wari, ran races carrying a helm to a lord who'd just raced in armour, threw pans like discus.  In short, I had a blast!  I raced to the main cub camp to call my mom to beg to stay over one night to see what all this was about because there was to be something about a Bardic Circle and more games and couldn't she please wait until tomorrow to come get me?  I *think* I heard her say yes....and I blurted out a thanks, hung up and raced back!  There were roasted 'mallows and steak pieces provided by a clan called the McBeigns cooked over the campfire, songs and stories, and some very lovely noble Lords escorted me chivalrously and ethically back to my tent to be sure I was safe and secure before heading back to their own encampment.  The next day, my mom came to see what all the hubbub was about and met several of the members, including a Lord Aaron of the Black Mountain.  He and his Lady Eriu invited me to the event next weekend called Sargeants and Yeomans and promised my mom to take good care of me. 
I continued into my young adulthood, even becoming what was at the time known as the Pied Piper.  Mostly, I puttered and partied, danced at Taverns, camped, waterbore and sung at wars, learned at Ithras.  I would see things that needed doing and hop in to get them done.  Not officially on any teams, but just as it made sense to me to help out.  At the Baronial Banquet, December of 1998, I received from Baron Gerhard's hand, my first award, Order of the Lions Claw.  I was very shocked, stunned to tears and had to be handed up through the Order to kneel before the Baronial Court to receive it.  Soon after, I was sad but had to move to areas deeper into the far reaches of An Tir, to places called Cold Keep, Appledore and Danescombe.  I did my best to stay, but mundania kept me busy for a long time.
Summer of 2013, we had moved back to the Lower Mainland, but had kept too busy to get back into the Barony.  I had promised my children a camping weekend that summer.  I had thought to take them to that War site, Clinton.  Unfortunately, yet most fortunate, fires kept us away.  I had promised, so I sought out what the Barony was doing.  I heard of this local event called Tournament of Armies.  I tucked my family into the event thinking there wouldn't be too many who'd remember that youth from so long ago.....I was wrong.  The whole day and late into the night, hugs and cheers welcomed me back.  Tears flowed as I was made to be home.  My children's eyes were sparkly and shining with love for sword play and courtly graces and camping and fun.  I heard of what Whalebone had become and asked my son if he would like me to find loaner gear to be in the Tourney at the end of the month.  That was a very silly question, he was thrilled!  September Crown Youth Tourney had both my eldest children in it, with my son earning a Chivalry prize for best and most glorious deaths!  My youngest helped with water and grapes all around to all fighters, great and young!  We were all hooked.
This time, however, things were different for me.  No more content to serve in the background, I began as a Junior YAC Marshal and Baronial YAC Officer to help my son have fun.  I helped at Feasts and entered into baking contests and auctions.  One of my cakes were introduced as being made by Her Ladyship Sibhaidh.  I had to correct the title, and she said, ahem, Lady Sibhaidh...ummm, no, just Sibhaidh.  She looked at me quizzically, pointed at me and announced to the Court, Somebody fix this!  The next summer, at Tournament of Armies, I was given my Award of Arms by Prince Thorwulf and Princess Wulfwyn (who had impressed me by taking over my court announcement of the YAC activities at that event, passionately reminding Their Court that the Youth should be supported to help us grow!)
Once I was given my Arms, it occurred to me there was a reason we choose a period and place for our personae.  I began looking into what a Lady (Bantiarna) would be doing in Ireland c1450.  I wanted to enjoy the pass-time while learning something I could then pass on and teach.  I have a love of turning threads into things and began looking into various aspects of cloth and textiles creations.  My main question was, if a bantiarna was in the fibre arts as a career, what part of it would I be interested in doing?  Then I realized I wouldn't know until I tried it all! So I began learning inkle loom weaving and reminded myself how to drop spin wool.  Then card and prep the wool.  Then I was given the inspiration to look into flax.  And that is when I met The Honourable Lord Topher.  I put out a request on the Booke of Faces to see if any would help answer questions as I'd never seen anything but wool.  He answered and invited me to come to the next event and sit to chat.  As I sat there, I had to focus super hard to not fan-girl all over him.  As we chatted, I realized just how much our minds and thoughts on this were alike.  Most events, from then on, I would find reasons to chat with him on fibers.  He knew soo much I wanted to learn.  Projects I wanted to do, he'd done once before and he encouraged me to do it too.  I told him of my thoughts for nettlecloth, and he found me more research and inspired me to what will be a grand and long term project I have in mind.  He gifted me some flax he'd grown himself that I may learn to spin longer staples and work with something less processed than the commercially available flax roving.  Sadly, he was taken from us before I could do more than a small nettle spinning presentation at Tir Righ Arts and Sciences.  I will never forget and I will be ever grateful for his inspiration and encouragement.
Eventually, I looked at the Sergeants and Courtiers of the Barony and was inspired to give more to my Barony and Principality.  I have made some armour and begun learning heavy fighting.  In an effort to learn what I'd need to know IF I wanted to apply to the Courtiers, I moved on into heraldry, becoming deputy to Red Flame Herald, and becoming Red Flame Herald myself.  I teach Novus Heraldry, Games and Costuming classes.  I am a ground crew and sometimes rider in our Baronial equestrian fun.  I take my youngest to Archery and Thrown Weapons.  I have been co-steward to 3-4 events, and now lead a team for a small event called Lions Stage for 2020.  A very different person and set of fun than when I first begun.

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At The Trials of Lions Gate, on September 16th, CE 2018, I was presented by my Sponsor to the Courtiers, HL Wulfstan Hrafnsson, to the Baron of Lions Gate to submit my application to the Courtiers of Lions Gate.
At The Trials of Lions Gate, on September 16th, CE 2018, I was presented by my Sponsor to the Courtiers, HL Wulfstan Hrafnsson, to the Baron Uilliam of Lions Gate to submit my application to the Courtiers of Lions Gate.

At the Investiture of Tir Righ, on February 16th, CE 2019, I was taken on as Protégé to Mestr Garet Doiron, Order of the Pelican, by the simplicity of his dropping a yellow baldric upon me and directing me to keep working.  This was much in the style of lassoing a mustang in the wild.  Much dust was kicked up as I scrambled off to complete my heraldic duties before armouring up as a temporary Squire to Sir William of the Battered Helm, to whom Mestr Garet is fully Squired, and trying my sword and shield against other Squires in the Tourney that day.  I have 4 wins to my name on that day!  I humbly admit my pride at these small successes.
At the Investiture of Tir Righ, on February 16th, CE 2019, I was taken on as Protégé to Mestr Garet Doiron, Order of the Pelican, by the simplicity of his dropping a yellow baldric upon me and directing me to keep working.  This was much in the style of lassoing a mustang in the wild.  Much dust was kicked up as I scrambled off to complete my heraldic duties before armouring up as a temporary Squire to Sir William of the Battered Helm, to whom Mestr Garet is fully Squired, and trying my sword and shield against other Squires in the Tourney that day.  I have 4 wins to my name on that day!  I humbly admit my pride at these small successes.

Revision as of 06:31, 31 October 2019

Argent, an ounce sejant azure and in chief three roses proper.

Sadhbh Bheag is currently Red Flame Herald of the Tir Righ College of Heralds.

Preferred title: Bantiarna
Pronunciation: Saw-ve(g) eenan Tor-yel-vo(g)
Persona: Irish, circa 1450
Arts: Bardic, spinning, weaving, nalbinding, crochet, knitting
Service: Youth activities, general hand, consulting and silent herald, Submissions Herald Office, teaching, steward team member/Co-steward


Saiv of Lough Neagh, original anglicized version from original research book (pre-internet) plus the name of the lake (lough) my family was originally from in Ireland.
Sibhaidh of Lough Neagh, guestimated gaelic spelling based on discussions with those who speak Irish

Searching ancestry dot com and locating the name connected with family and marriage records, I found the correct spelling of the gaelic name. Searching for this name in the records at St. Gabriel, is what led to my choice of Sadhbh.

Some further research showed that Irish generally didn't list as from a place unless they were a king of that place. The tendency was to address one's lineage through the patriarchal line, inghean meaning daughter of, and Toirrdhealbhaigh eventually referring to the modern day modern father's name.

I chose the descriptor as a fun bit. First, there are actually a fair number of Ladies using Sadh and Sadhbh in the SCA. So to differentiate is proper Irish tradition. Using hair or size or complexion was the norm, and thus Bheag seemed appropriate. It means wee or small, diminutive. After being used as the crenel in the shield wall a number of times for the pikemen to poke over, I felt this was as good a descriptor as any and more provable than many. I mean, I'm only 5'2"

Story Time

Oh the year was 1986 (oh I wish I was back there now!) I was a Junior Camp Counsellor to a Cub Scout camp for the summer and our theme that year was Robin Hood! Us Rangers and Venturers camped in our tents off the side while our Cubs had the cabins in the South of Langley (soon to be known by me to be deep in the Heart of the An Tir Jungle! Known as the Barony of Lions Gate.) At the end of one week of games and outdoorsy fun of calling coyotes and deer, learning knots, playing capture the Leader as well as the Flag, some Robin Hoody costumed folk arrived on the Friday to demonstrate their archery prowess and show off their gowns and armour! It was fantastic! The next day, being freed from my responsibilities as parents came to get their cublings, I wandered out over the campgrounds and through some hedges. I was stopped short as I felt I'd somehow gone through a time rift! Before me were pavillions, Ladies in gowns fantastical, Lords in shiny armour! I stepped back through the hedges and most certainly heard the traffic and the kids shouting. Back through the hedges, I felt I must have found another way to Narnia! What was all this? The Lady Ardelis, I recognized as one of yesterday's archers, stepped up to me and asked me if I wished to come see their "Harvest Fest". Why, yes! Of course! as I wandered behind her with my eyes wide in wonder! Soon I was dressed in the same fantastical dresses by Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland and Countess Melissa, and greeted by lords on their knee to wish me a good day with a kiss to my hand. I was stunned to silence as I blushed in my teen youth! I played games such as Wari, ran races carrying a helm to a lord who'd just raced in armour, threw pans like discus. In short, I had a blast! I raced to the main cub camp to call my mom to beg to stay over one night to see what all this was about because there was to be something about a Bardic Circle and more games and couldn't she please wait until tomorrow to come get me? I *think* I heard her say yes....and I blurted out a thanks, hung up and raced back! There were roasted 'mallows and steak pieces provided by a clan called the McBeigns cooked over the campfire, songs and stories, and some very lovely noble Lords escorted me chivalrously and ethically back to my tent to be sure I was safe and secure before heading back to their own encampment. The next day, my mom came to see what all the hubbub was about and met several of the members, including a Lord Aaron of the Black Mountain. He and his Lady Eriu invited me to the event next weekend called Sargeants and Yeomans and promised my mom to take good care of me.

I continued into my young adulthood, even becoming what was at the time known as the Pied Piper. Mostly, I puttered and partied, danced at Taverns, camped, waterbore and sung at wars, learned at Ithras. I would see things that needed doing and hop in to get them done. Not officially on any teams, but just as it made sense to me to help out. At the Baronial Banquet, December of 1998, I received from Baron Gerhard's hand, my first award, Order of the Lions Claw. I was very shocked, stunned to tears and had to be handed up through the Order to kneel before the Baronial Court to receive it. Soon after, I was sad but had to move to areas deeper into the far reaches of An Tir, to places called Cold Keep, Appledore and Danescombe. I did my best to stay, but mundania kept me busy for a long time.

Summer of 2013, we had moved back to the Lower Mainland, but had kept too busy to get back into the Barony. I had promised my children a camping weekend that summer. I had thought to take them to that War site, Clinton. Unfortunately, yet most fortunate, fires kept us away. I had promised, so I sought out what the Barony was doing. I heard of this local event called Tournament of Armies. I tucked my family into the event thinking there wouldn't be too many who'd remember that youth from so long ago.....I was wrong. The whole day and late into the night, hugs and cheers welcomed me back. Tears flowed as I was made to be home. My children's eyes were sparkly and shining with love for sword play and courtly graces and camping and fun. I heard of what Whalebone had become and asked my son if he would like me to find loaner gear to be in the Tourney at the end of the month. That was a very silly question, he was thrilled! September Crown Youth Tourney had both my eldest children in it, with my son earning a Chivalry prize for best and most glorious deaths! My youngest helped with water and grapes all around to all fighters, great and young! We were all hooked.

This time, however, things were different for me. No more content to serve in the background, I began as a Junior YAC Marshal and Baronial YAC Officer to help my son have fun. I helped at Feasts and entered into baking contests and auctions. One of my cakes were introduced as being made by Her Ladyship Sibhaidh. I had to correct the title, and she said, ahem, Lady Sibhaidh...ummm, no, just Sibhaidh. She looked at me quizzically, pointed at me and announced to the Court, Somebody fix this! The next summer, at Tournament of Armies, I was given my Award of Arms by Prince Thorwulf and Princess Wulfwyn (who had impressed me by taking over my court announcement of the YAC activities at that event, passionately reminding Their Court that the Youth should be supported to help us grow!)

Once I was given my Arms, it occurred to me there was a reason we choose a period and place for our personae. I began looking into what a Lady (Bantiarna) would be doing in Ireland c1450. I wanted to enjoy the pass-time while learning something I could then pass on and teach. I have a love of turning threads into things and began looking into various aspects of cloth and textiles creations. My main question was, if a bantiarna was in the fibre arts as a career, what part of it would I be interested in doing? Then I realized I wouldn't know until I tried it all! So I began learning inkle loom weaving and reminded myself how to drop spin wool. Then card and prep the wool. Then I was given the inspiration to look into flax. And that is when I met The Honourable Lord Topher. I put out a request on the Booke of Faces to see if any would help answer questions as I'd never seen anything but wool. He answered and invited me to come to the next event and sit to chat. As I sat there, I had to focus super hard to not fan-girl all over him. As we chatted, I realized just how much our minds and thoughts on this were alike. Most events, from then on, I would find reasons to chat with him on fibers. He knew soo much I wanted to learn. Projects I wanted to do, he'd done once before and he encouraged me to do it too. I told him of my thoughts for nettlecloth, and he found me more research and inspired me to what will be a grand and long term project I have in mind. He gifted me some flax he'd grown himself that I may learn to spin longer staples and work with something less processed than the commercially available flax roving. Sadly, he was taken from us before I could do more than a small nettle spinning presentation at Tir Righ Arts and Sciences. I will never forget and I will be ever grateful for his inspiration and encouragement.

Eventually, I looked at the Sergeants and Courtiers of the Barony and was inspired to give more to my Barony and Principality. I have made some armour and begun learning heavy fighting. In an effort to learn what I'd need to know IF I wanted to apply to the Courtiers, I moved on into heraldry, becoming deputy to Red Flame Herald, and becoming Red Flame Herald myself. I teach Novus Heraldry, Games and Costuming classes. I am a ground crew and sometimes rider in our Baronial equestrian fun. I take my youngest to Archery and Thrown Weapons. I have been co-steward to 3-4 events, and now lead a team for a small event called Lions Stage for 2020. A very different person and set of fun than when I first begun.


OP Entry

Lion's Claw (Lions Gate) - Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) - Jul 30, 2016 (AS LI)
Order of the Silver Pillar "Óige Pillar" (Tir Righ) - Aug 4, 2018 (AS LIII)


At The Trials of Lions Gate, on September 16th, CE 2018, I was presented by my Sponsor to the Courtiers, HL Wulfstan Hrafnsson, to the Baron Uilliam of Lions Gate to submit my application to the Courtiers of Lions Gate.

At the Investiture of Tir Righ, on February 16th, CE 2019, I was taken on as Protégé to Mestr Garet Doiron, Order of the Pelican, by the simplicity of his dropping a yellow baldric upon me and directing me to keep working. This was much in the style of lassoing a mustang in the wild. Much dust was kicked up as I scrambled off to complete my heraldic duties before armouring up as a temporary Squire to Sir William of the Battered Helm, to whom Mestr Garet is fully Squired, and trying my sword and shield against other Squires in the Tourney that day. I have 4 wins to my name on that day! I humbly admit my pride at these small successes.

At Lions Gate Champions' Tourney, on June 2nd, CE 2019, I did take Máirghréad inghean Raghnaill as my Lady-in-Waiting, for a year and a day, in order to mentor her and help her find her place and fun in the SCA. To introduce her to people, places and projects that she finds happiness and confidence. To be her confidante and friend.

Past Offices

Deputy Pied Piper (Lions Gate) - 1996-1998
Pied Piper (Lions Gate) - 1998
Warden of Youth Combat (Lions Gate) - 2015-2018
Successes include implentation of "Youth Combat Champion of Lions Gate", creation of Minor Key, including 6 swords, 4 shields for loaner use. Silver Sparkes Pursuivant (Tir Righ College of Heralds) - 2017-2019
Successes include creating and implementing the initial submissions tracking records on Office 365 with the assistance of Red Flame, tracking the backlog and updating submissions in limbo, helping to bring the Tir Righ College of Heralds Submissions Office into Office 365 implentation


Event Co-Steward, The Trials (Lions Gate) 2017
Youth and Family Achievement Mentor, 2017-current
Equestrian, Senior Grounds Crew, 2016-2022
Sr. Marshal, Youth Armoured Combat, 2017-2020
Event Co-Steward, Baronial Banquet (Lions Gate), 2018
Event Co-Steward, Canterbury Faire (Lions Gate), 2019
Youth Classes Co-ordinator, Lions Stage (Lions Gate), 2019
Silent Herald, Investiture (Tir Righ), August 2018
Consulting Book Herald (Tir Righ), 2018-current
Spot Retinue, THs, (Tir Righ), 2018-2019
Teacher/Mentor - Novus Heraldry, TUTR and YAFA (Tir Righ), 2018-current