Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas XLI/2006: Difference between revisions

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Chancellor HL Olwen Pen Aur was a popular success with gentles  
Chancellor HL Olwen Pen Aur was a popular success with gentles  
attending the event.  Appledore would like to thank the instructors;  
attending the event.  Appledore would like to thank the instructors;  
HL [[Siobahn the Wanderer]], HL [[Marianella de Ravenna]], HL Alicia de  
HL [[Siobahn the Wanderer]], HL [[Marianella de Ravenna]], HL [[Alicia de Wilfulle]], and HL [[Stephen of Hunmanby]] for their superb historic Ithra  
Wilfulle, and HL [[Stephen of Hunmanby]] for their superb historic Ithra  
classes.  Appledore, as always, extends its warm thanks to HL Olwen  
classes.  Appledore, as always, extends its warm thanks to HL Olwen  
Pen Aur for bringing scholarship to our lands.
Pen Aur for bringing scholarship to our lands.

Revision as of 08:55, 15 June 2006

Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas was held June 2 - 4, Anno Societatus XLI on the lands of HL Malcolm of Lamont and HL Olwen Pen Aur in Appledore. The focus of the event was fourfold; The male persona challenge; the University of Ithra Appledore Campus session; the Captains' Rapier Tournament and War scenarios, and; the conclusion of the Appledore Champion's Quest. Little did we know that the event would hold more than one pleasant surprise.

The Inn

The Drunken Skunk Inn provided meals at modest prices and entertainment throughout the event, with heralded meal offerings such as; "Quality Lemmings for sale; No brains, no guts, no bones, no fur! Lemmings on a stick! Lemmings in a cloak!" Manned by a handful of dedicated Appledorians, The Drunken Skunk did a brisk business throughout the weekend. Gracious appreciation goes out to the Drunken Skunk's Innkeepers; Duncan Ross, Lady Isobel MacAlpine, HL Malcolm of Lamont, Lady Kendra, and Sayyida Habibi.

Saturday evening saw a surprise 50th birthday party for Sevrin - Though Sevrin did become suspicious as more and more friends and family just "happened" to drop into the event and his daughter was seen "sneaking" in a cake-shaped box and five large candles. But all in all it was an appreciated celebration with much laughter and Tir Righ blue icing giving a very festive embellishment to wool and linen. The evening also included period dance, unfettered libation, and joyous noise. Sevrin sends out a hearty thank you to all who donated to the "boot" fund, and will hopefully be showing off his new footwear at Clinton War.

Persona Challenge

Two good nobles - Sayyid 'Abd al-Hakim al-Bahr ibn Da'ud al-Ghazis of Cordoba, Al-Andalus, 986, and Sevrin de Savage of Firenze, 1482 - completed the male persona development challenge requirements and thus became the premier Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas. They each received the sunburst medallion on a necklace of beads and pearls created by HL Siobahn the Wanderer and HL Evangelina du Lac of Frozen Mountain.

At closing Court, Sevrin de Savage sent forth the call to all good gentles of studious condition to vie for the male persona challenge at Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas in the spring of AS XLII.

University of Ithra

The single track University of Ithra session put on by Appledore's Chancellor HL Olwen Pen Aur was a popular success with gentles attending the event. Appledore would like to thank the instructors; HL Siobahn the Wanderer, HL Marianella de Ravenna, HL Alicia de Wilfulle, and HL Stephen of Hunmanby for their superb historic Ithra classes. Appledore, as always, extends its warm thanks to HL Olwen Pen Aur for bringing scholarship to our lands.

Captains Tourney and War Scenarios

On Saturday, Rapier fighters took part in a Captains Tourney consisting of two grueling Bear-Pits. The two top fighters; [[Molly Modine]] and HL Alicia de Wilfulle were declared the two Captains and went forth to raise war bands for the Sunday War Scenarios. Though out-manned and out-gunned, Captain Alicia de Wilfulle led her fighters to victory in the five scenarios and thus received the prize of the hardcover book - "The Renaissance at War" by Thomas Arnold. All fighters fought with honour and enthusiasm.

Many thanks to Sayyid Hakim and Don Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland for marshaling and running the Rapier piece of Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas, and to Don Enoch for the donation of the Captain's Prize.

Appledore's Championship

At Appledore's Feast of Fellowship in March, the final two contenders for the shire Championship, Molly Modine and Lord Draven Mac Raith, were set a Quest by Prince Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson and Princess Amanda Kendall of Westmoreland. This Quest was to be completed, and the contenders were to present themselves at Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas. Unfortunately fate conspired against Lord Draven who was unable to cross the high mountain passes from his home in Ramsgaard. Molly Modine presented the saga of her labours to the populace at closing court and was deemed to have accomplished her Quest.

Upon presenting Molly Modine with her Champion's Tabard and Banner, the Seneschal, Sevrin de Savage charged Molly with the task of taking forth the true spirit of Appledore; Family, Fellowship, and Fun throughout her travels to far lands. Huzzah to Appledore's new Champion, Molly Modine.

A Surprise at Closing Court

Viscountess Amanda Kendall of Westmoreland once more inspired our populace by setting out in the early hours of Sunday morning from her home in Lions Gate and traveled alone through the rugged mountains to attend closing court of Scholars of St. Thomas Aquinas. Her unannounced arrival in our good shire was a pleasant surprise, and her mission was one that reminds us all of the noblesse oblige that is so cherished in our society ...

At closing Court, Viscountess Amanda presented three of her unique household beads that had not been available during Court at the Feast of Fellowship in March. The recipients were; Phoenix the Wireweaver for her Award of Arms; Isobella of Wyndhaven for her Glowing Ember; and Malcolm of Lamont for his Silver Pillar. Viscountess Amanda then released Molly Modine from her service as part of her Royal Rapier Guard and gifted her a necklace. Viscountess Amanda then applauded Molly Modine on her accomplishment of achieving her Quest to become Champion of Appledore.

Appledore extends its heartfelt gratitude to Viscountess Amanda, whose long journey to so honour four members of our shire and for the reminder that everyone matters in our gentle and honourable society.

So say we, remaining always ...

Yours in Service,
HL Keinna de Savage - Autocrat
Sevrin Lord de Savage - Seneschal